Because of the relationship between eavesdropping on gossip, the two are very close, so Bai Jing's murmuring words are heard by Su Mian.

She cried and said, "it's just that someone sent Xiaoyuan back, and it doesn't mean that Xiaoyuan was off the list, does it?"

"That at least proves that Xiao Yuan has a chance to get rid of the single!" Bai Jing said, "ah, Xiao Yuan is coming up. Let's go to ask her..."

After a moment, Chi Xiaoyuan opens the dormitory door. Seeing Bai Jing and Su Mianmian smiling at themselves, she is stunned and asks, "are you waiting for me?"

Bai Jing reached for her, poked her in the face, and said with a smile, "tell me honestly, who is that downstairs?"


Su Mian said with a smile, "I saw Xiaojing on the balcony. A man sent you back."

Chi Xiaoyuan said, "it's a kind person. I was robbed of my wallet on my way back from the hospital today..."

"Are you ok?" Su Mian grabs her nervously, looks at her and asks, "isn't she hurt?"

Chi Xiaoyuan shook his head and continued, "I'm not hurt. I wanted to go to the police. As a result, the good brother helped me get my wallet back, and then invited me to have dinner and sent me back."

"It's a good thing to meet a good Samaritan." Su Mian took a breath of relief and said, "nothing is really so good."

Bai Jing looks at two natural friends. She thinks more. She asks, "Xiao Yuan, what's the name of the person who helps you? Did he say anything? "

Will people be so kind now? She's a little suspicious.

According to the truth, Xiao Yuan should invite him to dinner, right? How did it become that he invited Xiao Yuan to dinner?

This makes one have to wonder what his bad purpose is.

It's over! Since having two natural friends, Bai Jing always feels that she will become an old lady one day

Chi Xiaoyuan thought and said, "I don't know his name? He asked me to call him brother Tian By the way, he said tomorrow that he would send me to the police station to report the case. "

"Didn't everything come back? Why report it? " Su Mian asked in bewilderment.

"Brother Tian said that although things have been found, the recent public security is not good. As a good citizen, we should report to the police, and then let the police strengthen patrols, so that everyone can be vigilant. Things robbed by bad people will not happen again. It is the duty of each of us to report to the police!"

Bai Jing: "..."

After hearing Chi Xiaoyuan's words, Bai Jing is sure that she is a kind-hearted person who has met with blood!

After all, if there is a plan, it will not let Xiao Yuan report the case again.

"I'll go with you tomorrow." Su Mianmian said, "anyway, I have nothing to do tomorrow."

Chi Xiaoyuan nodded and agreed with Su Mian's suggestion.

"Xiaoyuan, go to take a bath first, and you will turn off the light later." Bai Jing said.

"OK." Chi Xiaoyuan is ready for the change of clothes, so he goes to wash first.

Bai Jing said to Su Mian, "Mian, I'm going home tomorrow, so I won't go with you. If you have anything to do, please call me at any time."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Su Mian said with a smile, "Xiaojing, I find you are more and more wordy now!"

Can you stop talking? You two are so natural!

Bai Jing thought, what should I do? She really felt like she was an old lady.