I don't know if the vampire's aura is so powerful that it radiates the surrounding radio waves that they can't see a bus for half an hour.

Su Mian looks at them secretly, only to see the vampire's face looking at the front, and his fingers seem to move unconsciously.

Su Mianmian can't help YY. Is he playing some code with the alien's men? Later, maybe there will be a flying saucer landing in front of them, and then the vampire will invite them to ride

"Mianmian, what are you thinking?"

"The vampire plot."

"Vampires?" Chi Xiaoyuan asked doubtfully.

Su Mian bit the corner of his mouth and said, "I, I'm talking about a novel I read recently." I accidentally said what I had in mind. Fortunately, the vampire didn't hear it Right?

Lei Aotian turns around and takes a look at Su Mian.

Su Mian stands up immediately.

At this time, the long-awaited bus finally drove over. Two people got on and off the bus. Leiaotian and Chi Xiaoyuan got on first. Su Mianmian was just about to get on the bus when he was pulled by the two people just getting off the bus.

"Miss Su, please don't get on the bus."

Su Mian is slightly stunned and looks up at her.

Then I found out that this man was the special helper who had been following the vampire all the time. Her name was Annie.

Annie usually wears a long black dress. Today is no exception. She blinks at Su and whispers in her ear, "if Miss Su has any questions, I will explain them to you later."

As she spoke, she tightly grasped Su Mian's hand, which made her unable to get on the bus.

In an instant, the bus door closed in front of Su Mian, and Chi Xiaoyuan lay on the window and said, "Mianmian!"

Su Mian looks at the vampire and then at Chi Xiaoyuan. She reaches out and waves and says, "Xiaoyuan, go first, and I'll meet you there later."

"OK, I'll wait for you."


"Now you can say that?" Su Mian turned to Anne.

Annie smiled and replied, "I'm so sorry if I just offended Miss Su."

"It's not polite." Su Mianmian said, "vampire, ah, I mean, what is the purpose of leiaotian?"

"Vampires?" Anna picked up her eyebrows and said with a smile, "that's a proper name for the host."

Su Mianmian: "..."

"Miss Su, it's not convenient for me to tell you too much, but please rest assured that my master will never do anything harmful to your friends."

After hearing this, Su Mian suddenly felt cheated.

She waited so long to give her such a bland sentence?!

"What you said is too insincere. It's just like you didn't say it." Su Mianmian said, "if you don't want to say it, OK, I'll call Xiao Yuan and tell her to be careful about Lei Aotian..."

"Please don't do that." Annie grabs Su Mian's hand and pleasantly says, "now the master is busy, please don't disturb him..."

"What does he have to do with me? Besides, I'm not calling him. I'm calling Xiao Yuan. "

Annie's brow was blue, and she struggled for a moment. She said, "Xiao Yuan is the master's wife, but now she has lost her memory, and the master is trying to help her find her memory!"

“……” Su Mian was silent for a while and said, "are you kidding?"