"Are you kidding me?" Asked Su Mian.

Annie said with a wry smile, "of course not. I won't talk nonsense about such things Miss Su, if you have any questions, please contact Mr. Huo. He should know more clearly. He also told the master the whereabouts of his wife this time. "

How can I help you?!

Su Mianmian thought about the incident that Huo Ting helped investigate Xiaoyuan's car accident before, didn't she

"I'll get in touch with uncle." Su Mian then turns to call Huo ting.

After three rings, the phone is picked up by hoting.

Uncle, how much do you know about Xiaoyuan? Why did someone tell me that Xiao Yuan is the wife of a vampire? ]Su Mian's tone is not very good.

She is very worried about Xiaoyuan. In her opinion, Chi Xiaoyuan and vampire are people of two worlds. How could such two people ever be together?

What if we were together? Does Xiao Yuan's car accident have anything to do with him?

All these things need to be thought about deeply.

Where are you now? ]Asked hoting.

"Uncle, answer my question first!" Su Mian said angrily.

[Chi Xiaoyuan is Chi Yuan, Lei Aotian's ex-wife! After her accident, Lei Aotian went mad and bit her when he met someone. Now he can't let go if he finds Chi Yuan It's continuous. We don't care about their affairs. ]

"how could this happen..." Su Mian was shocked and said, "no, it's impossible! How could Xiao Yuan be a vampire's ex-wife? In age Is that right? "

[Chi Yuan's identity has been modified, and her age is also ]Hoting dropped another big bomb, he sighed and continued.

[mianmianmian, anyway, Chi Yuan's business is a little complicated. Next, it's up to Lei Renzha. Let's not worry about it. Anyway, there's Lei Aotian. Chi Yuan can't afford to lose. ]Huoting will never cheat her. Su Mianmian still believes in uncle's words.

"Uncle, are you reconciled with the vampire now?"

【…… ]There was silence for a while, huoting said, "this is more complicated. Anyway, Lei Renzha and I were not friends before, and now we are not enemies ]

so, is it a good relationship of love and killing each other?

QAQ! Su Mian could not help but sigh, "the relationship between you is so chaotic..."

[little sheep, I can't accept your words. What is the confusion between me and him? I have nothing to do with him, OK? ]

“……” Su Mianmian doesn't know what expression is suitable for her, or Silence.

Then, a noisy voice came from Huo Ting's side. Huo Ting replied.

[I have something to do here. I'll be back in a few days. I'll talk about it later. ]

"OK, goodbye, uncle!"

Annie saw Su Mian hang up the phone, she said with a smile, "Miss Su, do you believe I didn't cheat you?"

Su Mian doesn't go on with her on this topic. She puts her cell phone away and says.

"Where did they go? You can take me there. "

"Isn't that right?" Annie said in embarrassment, "the master told me to send Miss Su back to the dormitory first. Please rest assured that the master will look after her and nothing will happen."

"Xiaoyuan was my friend before she was your master's wife." Su said one by one, "please take me to Xiao Yuan, thank you."