Su Mian took Dongdong's small hand and went home. All the way, Dongdong was very silent. After returning home, he didn't look much interested.

He was so scared that Su Mian could not stand it.

"Winter and winter?" Su Mian asked in a low voice, "don't be unhappy. Can I make a cake for you now?"

Dongdong looks up at Su Mian, suddenly grabs her hand and asks, "who are those two little white faces?"

Su Mian is not happy to see Dongdong and doesn't mind his words.

She explained, "the tall one is my friend. Just call him Huanhuan brother. The other is his cousin. He lives downstairs."

Dongdong is very sensitive. After hearing Su Mian's explanation, he quickly positioned the crisis on brother Huanhuan.

"What is Huanhuan's origin? Explain it to me." Dong Dong said he patted the chair beside him and said, "baa, don't hide it from me. I have to explain everything clearly!"

Su Mianmian: "..."

It seems that there is nothing wrong with winter.

"BAABAA, why don't you talk? Isn't it time to be guilty? " Dongdong frowned and said, "although he looks whiter than his father, he certainly doesn't make as much money as his father. BAABAA, I tell you, the most important thing for a man is money. There is no money in the world that can't be made!"

“……” Su Mian stood up, touched Dong Dong's face and said, "Dong Dong, it seems that you have nothing to do. I'll make the cake first."

Finish saying, Su Mian will turn around to walk into the kitchen, but in winter, he quickly hugs Su Mian's thigh, he says loudly.

"BAABAA, how can you avoid my question? It's over. You must be guilty! Daddy! Where are you? If you don't show up, my wife Whoops! "

Su Mian grabbed Dong Dong's bun face and said, "Dong Dong, if you don't let go, your strawberry cake won't be able to eat."

"Woo Baa Baa, so fierce Winter and winter QAQ!

Su Mian let go of his hand, rubbed his face again, and said softly, "honey, I can understand that you have a sensitive and fragile heart, but can you not always over YY? Huanhuan is not a little white face. He is my friend... "

"No! I am a man, I understand the psychology of men! The way he looks at you is different! " Dongdong said and jumped up in a hurry.

"Poof..." Su Mian is amused by Dong Dong's words.

"BAABAA, don't laugh, I'm talking to you very seriously now!"

"Good! I see. " Su Mian rubbed Dong Dong's head with a smile and said, "I'm going to make a cake for you now. First, you can watch the cartoon yourself."

Dongdong sees Su Mian go far, and puffs up baozi's face again.

Obviously, BAABAA doesn't believe him at all!

Su Mianmian really didn't take Dongdong's words to heart. He was only five years old. What kind of man's psychology does a five-year-old know?

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. Su Mian's hands were full of flour. It was inconvenient to open the door.

She said to Dongdong, "Dongdong, first open the door, remember to be polite."


Dongdong holds a small stool and puts it directly under the door. Then he stands on the stool and opens the door.

He thought that if the other side pushed open, then he could fall down. Who knows, the other side didn't reach out to push when the door opened

(black belly meets black belly)