Winter sensitive to the detection of this "enemy" is very difficult to deal with!

After su Mian heard the bell, he didn't hear someone talking for a long time, so he came out.

"Winter and winter?"

Dongdong hears Su Mian coming out, jumps down and opens the door.

There was only song Qinghuan outside.

His hands were full of food, he said with a smile, "Mianmian, where is the best place to put these food?"

Su Mianmian said, "come with me."

When song Qinghuan came in, he seemed to take a look at Dongdong unintentionally. He hooked his mouth, which seemed to be a little provocative.

Dongdong gives him a bad look.

Su Mian didn't find the undercurrent here at all. After seeing what song Qinghuan had bought, she said, "why did you buy so much?"

He bought Hami melon and banana in addition to the things Zhao Wenyu accidentally dropped.

"I think these two kinds of fruits are quite fresh, so I'll buy some. It's better for children to eat more fruits." Song Qinghuan put the things away and said, "I'll go back first."

"Or you can eat together here." Su Mian is a little embarrassed to see that he has bought so many things.

"Here Will it be inconvenient? " Song Qinghuan didn't directly agree or refuse, but pushed the problem back to Su Mian.

Su Mian hears the words and says, "what's inconvenient It's just that the food I cook is not so tasty. I hope you don't mind. "

Huanhuan has sent so many things here. It's impossible for him to have a meal without them.

"Why do you mind?! I'm very proud. " Song Qing said with laughter.

Dongdong hears that Su Mianmian is going to stay his rival and come down to eat. He is in a hurry.

He ran over, grabbed Su Mian's dress and whispered, "Baa Baa! Do you remember what you just promised me? "

Did she just promise anything?

Su Mian's doubts.

Dongdong was even more angry at her expression. He said, "you said you want to make cake for me! It's my cake! " Dongdong euphemistically said, that is, you hurry to get rid of the redundant people.

Su Mian smiled and said, "my dear, I am obedient in winter. Brother Huanhuan won't eat your share."

"I don't like sweets." Song Qinghuan was very familiar with the timely statement.

"Go to watch TV first. When the cake is ready, I'll ask you to come over and eat it." Su Mian patted Dong Dong's head.

"Children, let's go out together." Song Qing is very gentle with laughter.

After seeing Su Mian and song Qinghuan, Dongdong suddenly felt that he had to give the "love enemy" a lower hand.

The enemy is so hateful that his previous moves don't seem to work. If he goes on like this, BAABAA will believe his words more and more than his own.

Dongdong turns his eyes, looks up proudly, and says proudly, "hum, you said you didn't eat, Baa Baa, you heard that, you can't give him a bite later!"

"All right, all for you." Su replied with a smile.

Dongdong just groaned out. Song Qinghuan naturally followed him.

When she saw them go, she could not help shaking her head with a smile.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room,

Dong Dong Dong is biting a small lollipop. The lollipop stick moves with his words.

"Say it! Come in your name! "