Song Qinghuan sits gracefully opposite him, long legs overlapping, hands beating the back of the chair at will, smiling at him and asking, "what's the relationship between you and Mianmian?"

"I asked you first! You have to answer my question first. " Dongdong proudly snorted and said, "besides, my relationship with BAABAA will definitely frighten you to death."

"I don't believe it." Song Qinghuan smiles.

“…… Do you think I'll say it if you use the method of provocation? "

Song Qinghuan slightly put away his smile. He looked at Dongdong and said, "I remember that her brother is almost her age. Are you a relative's child? No wonder it doesn't look at all. "

Hearing this, Dongdong suddenly took out the lollipop from his mouth. He cried out, "she's my mommy!"

Song Qinghuan picked up his eyebrows and didn't believe the feeling of winter and winter. He said slowly, "children, you can eat sweets at will, and you can't say anything."

"I'm telling the truth. BAABAA is my mommy."

Song Qinghuan narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "OK, you say so."

"It is!" Dongdong stands up angrily, but the lollipop falls to the ground accidentally.

The air suddenly quieted down, and Dongdong looked at the candy on the ground with a blank face.

Song Qinghuan sipped the corners of her mouth and said, "I also bought other flavors."

Dong Dong proudly said, "can other flavors be compared with strawberry? Strawberry is the best

"There should be strawberry flavor. I remember buying a lot."

"Well, I don't want what you buy!" Dong Dong raised her chin proudly.

Song Qinghuan smiled at him and didn't answer.

Winter Eye Bead son turned a circle, said.

"You don't even dare to reveal your real name. I tell you, BAABAA and my dad are really in love! You don't want to insert them. Besides, they have my lovely, charming and obedient children's paper. The three of us are a happy family and won't be separated by you... " Dongdong said and couldn't help boasting about himself, and finally he didn't forget to summarize.

"Anyway, put away your thoughtfulness, or I will let my father beat you!"

Song Qinghuan's expression still hasn't changed at all. She looks at him with a very tolerant eyes, as if everything Dongdong just said is nonsense.

"Ah! Can you stop looking at me like that! " Dongdong angrily grabbed the curly hair.

Song Qing smiles and squints at him.

In the end, Dongdong can't stay with him.

No matter what he said, song Qinghuan didn't respond, just looked at him with a meaningful eyes.

It's really annoying!

Dongdong snorts heavily, turns around and runs to the kitchen to find Su Mian. He doesn't want to stay with such a different person.

"What's the matter?" Su Mian is preparing to cook. Seeing the frustrated probe in winter, she says, "the cake is still in the oven. I will cut it for you after eating."

Winter depressed mood disappeared in a moment, he happily put up his tail, all kinds of swaying toward Su Mian to show his good will.

"Can I have a piece before dinner? Just one piece. I'll taste it. "

"No, I can't eat any more." Su Mian said with a smile, "besides, I made a lot of Coke chicken wings. Don't you want to eat them?"

"Want to eat." Dongdong licked his lips.