Is this doctor really reliable?

Su Mian began to doubt at this time.


"No?" The doctor asked again.

Rich people are so mean?

Captain: "..."

Su Mianmian said, "take whatever you like, and then help us introduce a reliable doctor, preferably a pediatrician."

It seems that the doctor was born with few tendons. He didn't hear Su Mian's words at all. He said, "Oh, yes, I'll call my elder martial brother for you now. He may have come to the hospital. He is the most popular pediatrician in our hospital."

"Thank you." Said Su Mian.

The blue veins on the captain's arm were raised. If it wasn't for the doctor's phone call, he would have wanted to hit people.

The gynaecologist soon contacted his elder martial brother. He hung up and said, "elder martial brother said he will come in five minutes. By the way, can I eat here?"

Su Mian didn't know what to say to his little tendon.

Why is there someone's heart in the world It's so wide.

She nodded.

So the doctor sat down happily for breakfast.

Su Mian looks at it and turns to look after Dong Dong.

And the captain really wants to take this foodie doctor out and give him a good beating? Or a good beating?

Those who he asked to buy for his wife and young master were eaten by this man

Even if you eat, you have to make all kinds of sounds.

"Wow, this spring roll is delicious! Where did you buy it? I haven't eaten such delicious spring roll here. It's ready to melt at the entrance! "

The man in charge of breakfast doesn't want to answer at all, OK?

Did he eat nothing?!

He's hungry, too, okay?!

At this time, it is estimated that everyone in the ward has the same idea, that is, I really want to throw this person out!

"Younger martial brother, why are you eating again?" A very young voice sounded.

Su Mian looked up and saw a doctor in a white coat who was about thirty years old.

He is very friendly and fat. He looks smiling even when he doesn't smile.

"Elder martial brother, go over and help the child. He's hurt his brain."

Captain: "..." He has decided to wait for the 250 doctor to go out. He wants to find a dark place to beat him.

"Doctor, please help me to have a look. He fell off the slide late at night and fell asleep at about 10:30 p.m. he didn't have a fever at that time. In the middle of the night, he had a dream talk. I don't know if he started to have a fever at that time..." Su Mian said a little flustered.

"Don't worry, I'll have a look." The doctor gave Su a soothing smile and began to help Dongdong.

He looked more carefully than the doctor, but came to the same conclusion as the doctor.

"It's nothing, please don't worry. I'll give you a little bit now. If he keeps fighting, his fever will subside." He said, looking at the room, he said, "by the way, in order to circulate the air, it's better not to have too many people in the room. The child is ill now, and his body is still very fragile..."

There are nearly twenty adults standing in this room. I don't know how they are arranged. It's not crowded.

If he hadn't just counted the heads in his heart silently, he would not have found so many people, so he only offered advice for the health of winter and winter.