"You get out first," said the captain

At the end of his speech, a dozen black bodyguards walked out, and the man in charge of breakfast went to the doctor who ate the food. He asked expectantly, "Captain, can I take him out with me?"

The brothers have endured him for a long time. Find a place to beat him secretly.

"I haven't finished yet." The food doctor refused.

"I'll take him out." Elder martial brother has more eyes than him. He goes over, reaches around his neck, and says, "it's just my place to get him..."

The food doctor was just full, and was pulled by elder martial brother. He almost vomited.

"Elder martial brother, what are you doing?"

"Shut up." Elder martial brother knocked his head hard.

Su Mian a face black line of say, "trouble doctor."

"No trouble, no trouble..." The two also followed.

The captain said, "madam, what would you like to eat? I'll have someone buy you some more. "

Su Mian shook her head. She can't eat anything now.

The captain sighed and said nothing more.

Su Mian looks at Dongdong's frowning face, which seems to be very uncomfortable. She touches his back, turns around and says, "or you can buy some changed clothes and some clean towels."

Dongdong came in a hurry this time. They didn't bring clothes to change, and their house in H city didn't prepare clothes for Dongdong, so they had to buy new clothes if they wanted to change.

"OK." The captain replied and walked out at once.


The doctor came quickly, gave Dongdong a little bit of help, and brought the examination report that Dongdong did yesterday.

"Don't worry, the report says it's OK, yours..." The doctor looked at Su Mian's face and guessed that she and Dongdong should be brother-in-law. He thought about it and said, "your brother can be discharged as long as he has a fever."

Su Mian was relieved completely at this time.

"Thank you!" Su Mian said gratefully.

"That's what I should do." Said the doctor.

Su Mianmian pulls up the window curtain after the doctor leaves, takes out the towel and carefully wipes Dong Dong Dong's sweat, and changes his clean clothes.

After waiting for her to do everything, she did not leave, but sat by her bed and watched winter.

Winter and winter's drips have been finished, and the temperature on his body has also dropped a lot. Now, as long as he wakes up and probes his temperature again, as long as the normal value, he can be discharged.

Su Mian holds Dongdong's hand. Maybe she is too tired. She sleeps.

After a long time


Su Mian hears the sound of winter and winter. She wakes up suddenly and looks up.

At the moment, it's the time when the sun is at its best. I don't know who came in once. The window is opened again. The wind blows the curtains flying with the wind, and the sun is golden on the ground, forming a mottled but interesting pattern. The curls on winter hair are sticky and sticky because of the sweat. Even so, it's OK for him to be cute.

"BAABAA, I want to eat chicken wings with coke..." The voice of winter is a little hoarse.

Su Mian can't help jumping on him and hugging him.

Dong Dong is a bit confused. He reaches out his hand and taps Su's back. He asks, "what's wrong with baa?" He didn't know about his fever. After he woke up, he didn't feel sick. He felt hungry, and BAABAA fell asleep. He looked tired.

He was so hungry that he began to wake up Su Mian, but he didn't expect that after baa woke up, he would suddenly hold himself.

Su Mian is actually very upset all night. At the moment, seeing winter and winter, she is a little bit emotional.

When she heard Dongdong's words, her mood gradually adjusted.

She let go of Dongdong, a little embarrassed to say, "it's OK, how do you feel now?"

Dongdong covers his stomach and says, "I'm hungry."

"We'll find something delicious later." She said.