Finally, Dongdong is persuaded by Su Mian to go back to kindergarten, but Su Mian also agrees with him, and she will go back to s city to accompany him this weekend.

Su Mian thought about it. At that time, uncle must have come back from abroad. I haven't seen him for nearly half a month. I still miss him a little.


"Mianmian, thank you for your help last time." Xuejie Bai sees Su Mian on the campus trail and hurries up to say, "by the way, we're going to hold a new oath meeting in the evening. You come with song Nanshen."

Su Mian Leng Leng, nodded and said, "OK, what time?"

"At eight o'clock in the evening, at the gate of the school office, because there are so many new members this time, we can only hold it outdoors." Snow White said with a smile, "thanks to the God effect of song, almost half of the new members are coming to him..."

"President, it should be 90 percent." The Secretary interjected with a weak man.

Snow White reached out his hand and clapped him, successfully clapping his glasses.

The spectacle man silently picks up his glasses.

Su touched his face and felt that it must be very painful just then.

She replied, "sister, I promise to be there on time."

"OK, remember to bring song Nanshen."

Su Mian nods

After a few laughs, Bai Xue waves goodbye to Su Mian with the secretary who just picked up his glasses.

Su Mianmian takes out her mobile phone and finds song Qinghuan's phone. She thinks about it, but she still chooses to send a text message.

[Huanhuan, there will be a new student oath meeting at the gate of the school office at 8 p.m. do you have time to attend? ]


After receiving Su Mian's message, song Qinghuan hooked up and quickly returned a good one.

Zeng coco saw his smile again, and the sense of rage in her heart was irremediable again.

"Qinghuan, is there anything good to happen?" She tried to make her smile more natural.

Song Qinghuan didn't even look at her and said, "have you finished?"

If it wasn't for his father to let him come over to appease Zeng coco, he wouldn't allow her to come over for dinner.

Song Qinghuan's words made Zeng Coco's hand shake, and the fork fell into the plate, making a loud voice.

They chose a high-end restaurant. Such a voice makes everyone look at them. It's not polite to make such a big voice here.

The waiter came up and asked, "Miss, what can I do for you?"

Zeng coco looks at Song Qinghuan and frowns at her. She replies, "help me get rid of this."

Is he impatient to give himself a meal?

She came to H University for him. Why? Why can't he see his pay?!

Why don't you look back at her?!

"Since you are full, let's go back." Song Qinghuan said.

Zeng coco holds his fist in both hands. If he pays a little attention to himself, he will find that he doesn't have a few bites at all

“…… OK. " However, Zeng coco has been used to the requirements of song Qinghuan, even if she is reluctant to do so.

Song Qinghuan asks the waiter to come and check out. They go out together.

It has to be said that if you look at the appearance of the two, they really match each other very well. But if you look carefully, you will find that song Qinghuan doesn't mean anything to her. He walks very fast and doesn't take care of the pace of the girls around him at all. Zeng coco is wearing 12 cm high-heeled shoes and almost has to trot to keep up with his pace.

It can be seen that he drove his car back to school. He was shocked and asked, "why is it late? How can I return to school?"

Both of them are not poor in money, so they rented a house near the school as early as possible.

"There's something." Song Qinghuan said lightly, "where are you going back?"

"I went back to school, too. I dropped something in the classroom," Zeng said

Song Qinghuan doesn't care whether she says it's true or not. Anyway, it's better to know that the two are on the same road, so you don't have to send her out of your way.

"Qinghuan, do you have time for the weekend?" When Zeng coco got out of the car, he asked, "it's my birthday at the weekend..."

"Say it again." Song Qing Huan's cold return.