Zeng coco watched song Qinghuan's car go away, she stood for a few minutes, bit her lips, or decided to see what he was doing

She was very upset that people who had always been indifferent and were not interested in anything even smiled from the bottom of their hearts.

She thought of the pictures she had received some time ago. The girls in the pictures

Is that why Qinghuan has changed?

No way! Qinghuan is her! No one can take it!

"Hello, how is the matter I asked you to check what? No one wants to take the order? What's going on? Isn't she an ordinary college student What's the use of your apology? You hurry to continue to help me check! Money is not a problem! "

After Zeng hung up, he made another call.

“…… I need you to give me a few hands. Yes, teach me a lesson I'll send you her picture later... "


Su Mian came early. She was standing in the back row. Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder.

She turned around and saw that it was song Qinghuan.

Su Mian smiled and said, "happy."

"What are the people on the stage doing?" Song Qinghuan stands beside Su Mian and looks at the direction she is looking at.

Snow White is commanding a group of people in a row, they are doing a neat and consistent action suddenly changing the formation.

"Seems to be taking an oath." Su Mianmian said, "they have been practicing this since half an hour ago."

"What do new members have to do?" Song Qinghuan asked, "why don't we two do it?"

Ah, this question Good question!

But she didn't know!

Su Mian shook her head.

Song Qinghuan smiled and took Su Mian's hand and said naturally, "let's go up and ask."

Su Mian made a sound, and then was pulled to the stage by song Qinghuan.

When snow white saw the two of them coming, she stopped and said, "Hey, here you are!"

"What are you doing, snow white?" Song Qinghuan asked with a smile, "can you add me and Mianmian?"

After hearing his words, Snow White was very happy.

Song Manshen is willing to take an oath. She just can't get it!

"Of course, come on. You two should give up your position quickly. Song Nanshen, you can stand here." Snow White left song Qinghuan a middle position to ensure that the following people can see him from any angle.

Su Mianmian is not very interested in such things. She takes a few weak steps to the side and says, "I see I'd better go down and see your oath. "

Song Qinghuan quickly pulled her up and said, "Mianmian, don't go."

Snow White also said, "yes, Xuemei, you are standing here!" She pulls Su Mian to song Qinghuan's side, and song Qinghuan also very tactfully holds Su Mian's hand.

The new members of the oath are all holding hands, so even if song Qinghuan holds Su Mian's hand at the moment, it won't make people feel abrupt.

Except for one of the following

Zeng coco looks at Song Qinghuan white, Qinghuan, I think I find the reason for your change!

It's because of her!

What's good about her?!

"Hello, it's me! I think about it. I want to change the way I discussed before yes! I'm going to let her lose her reputation. I can't get along with her in H University any more! "