At this time, Su Mian didn't find that there was a crisis approaching her.

The three girls in dormitory 315 are very busy recently. Chi Xiaoyuan's time is full of vampires. There is no time for others.

In just half a month, he had a series of problems, family bankruptcy, and the inexplicable reason why he was afraid of girls but not Xiao Yuan

Now leiaotian's job is to chase Xiaoyuan. Others are to serve Xiaoyuan.

Su Mianmian was a little uneasy before, but she met with them once later. She thought that the IQ of vampire was negative now. Generally, it can only be explained that he really liked Xiaoyuan.

And Xiao Yuan is also very happy with him now. Su Mianmian doesn't say anything more.

Although she knows that Xiaoyuan may have lost her memory before, and that bad things may have happened before, the most important thing for people is to look forward.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Mianmian doesn't know what happened before Xiaoyuan lost his memory, so even if she warned Xiaoyuan, she couldn't talk about it

And Bai Jing also met a little trouble recently. A sister fell in love with her and confessed to her.

Bai Jing pulls her to the toilet and lets her go

Bai Jing's way of explanation is also very wonderful.

However, this girl is more wonderful. Instead of retreating, she tells Bai Jing that true love can transcend race and gender. Even if Bai Jing is a girl, she also loves!

It's moving, isn't it?!

But the problem is, Bai Jing doesn't like her sister! She likes strong and simple men.

In order to avoid this girl, Bai Jing doesn't dare to go back to the dormitory recently Because my sister bought a girl from the 313 dormitory and moved to the opposite side of their dormitory. I don't want to abuse her anymore


So recently, only Su Mian went to class alone.

This day, after class, she went in the direction of the dining room. Suddenly, a classmate called her.

"Mianmian, Bai Jing asked you to go to houshanting to find her."

Su Mianmian thought it was a little strange. She asked, "how could Bai Jing go there?"

Houshanting is located in the Houshan mountain of H University. Although the name Houshan is actually a small hillside, it is not high at all. Most of the buildings have been leveled and built.

There are few people over there because there is nothing.

"I don't know. I just saw her. She told me that." The man said that and left.

Su Mian scratched her head and thought it was a little strange, so she called Bai Jing.

"Xiaojing, you asked me to go to houshanting?"

Bai Jing is a bit noisy, she said, "what do you say? I can't hear you. "

"What can I do for you?"

"Ah I can't hear it. It's too noisy here. I'll call you back when it's quieter. " With that, she hung up.

Su Mian looks at the phone and thinks it's not like looking for her to go to houshanting. She shakes her head and goes to the dining hall according to her original plan.

People in houshanting

"What about people? Didn't it say to shout? What time is it?! Why haven't you come here?! "

"This I just asked my classmates in their class to say that I should come here. "

"Obviously not coming, OK? Is this the beginning of class? Who will come! No, we have to change places. "

"But she doesn't leave school..." If Su Mian is out of school, they don't have to find such a remote place to call her

"Stupid! Can't you find a way to get her out of school? " The eldest brother's magic roars.

"Can't think of it..."

"What's the use of raising you?" The boss took off his shoes angrily and beat his men.

"Boss, don't, don't fight. We borrowed the clothes from someone. We will return them later..."

After saying this, the poor man was pulling his head all the time. She said painfully, "I think of a good way! Really? Don't hit me... "
