At the end of today's course, Su Mianmian was about to put away her things and leave her alone. Today, she came to tell her that Bai Jing was in houshanting waiting for her sister to come again.

She looked at Su Mian and asked, "Mian, can you lend me your notes? I just didn't hear it clearly... "

Su Mian takes a look at her and finds that although this classmate is in a class, she is very strange. She seems to seldom come to class.

She didn't immediately answer her request. She said, "why did you cheat me this noon?"

When the girl's face changed, she was embarrassed and said, "I, I......"

In fact, Su Mian had suspected for a long time, but she didn't know for sure. She just wanted to cover her words. Who would have thought of that, she would immediately reveal the truth.

"You really lied to me." Su looked at her coldly and asked, "why do you do this?"

She didn't know this person at all, so she couldn't understand why she had to cheat herself.

"I......" The classmate stammered, "I'm just kidding you Oh, don't go! " When she saw that Su Mian was going, she held Su Mian's hand tightly.

Su Mian looks back at her, just wants to see what she is playing. At this time, there is a noisy voice at the door.

"Get out of here! It's none of your business! Get out of here! "

I don't know where there are five or six female gangsters. Their hair is dyed with various colors, their clothes are also more exposed and non mainstream, and their faces are painted with heavy makeup.

These people don't look like h students, and they don't know how to get in.

Su Mian looked at them, and the girl who held her hand suddenly let go of her hand and began to walk towards them.

"Thank you, classmate!" Said one of the women.

Su Mian narrowed her eyes slightly. It's time for her to figure out. These people are coming for her.

Just, I don't know who found it?

That schoolgirl Su Mianmian remembers her face. If she dares to be so black, she will always settle accounts with her!

Su Mian retreated to the back and separated them, even if only a few steps.

She asked, "who asked you to come?"

"Ah! How dare you! I dare to speak at this time. " The leader smiled and said, "you are not qualified to ask us. You have the courage to rob someone's boyfriend. Don't you know? What do you want? "

Robbing men?

She said that Su Mian was really confused.

"I really don't know. You should be clear. Anyway, there are so many people here today. I'm sure I can't beat you. You'll let me be an understanding ghost." Said Su Mian.

"Tut tut Look at what she said! " Those people laughed loudly and said, "well, I'll tell you what, Miss Zeng asked us to come here. Don't you see who you are, and dare to rob a man with Miss Zeng. Do you compare with others? What are they? What are you? "


Su Mianmian is now more confused. There is no one named Zeng around her?!

"Wait! Do you recognize the wrong person? " Su Mianmian said, "I don't know Miss Zeng."

"Is your name Su Mian?"

"My name is right, but I really don't know Miss Zeng." Su Mian returns.

"Why do you tell her so much? I've seen the pictures! She is, indeed! " One of them said angrily, "you two go up and grab her and tear her clothes. Let's finish shooting quickly. When someone comes, it will be troublesome..."

Ripping clothes?!

Su Mian's heart trembles. Do these people want to take pictures of themselves?!

At first, she thought that these people wanted to fight against themselves, but unexpectedly, they did. This was more vicious than beating her.

Su Mian retreated back. She looked left and right to see if there was anything that could be used as a weapon in her hand. At this time, she saw the chair the teacher put on the platform.

This is a small iron chair, which is folded when not in use.