Within a short week, Su Mian entered the hospital again. This time, he met the last doctor.

He said in surprise, "how can it be you again?"

Su Mian replied, "actually I don't want to come..."

Really, she hates hospitals the most. The new supersedes the old. Because

make complaints about the face of the Song Emperor. The doctor swallowed the words of Tucao. He earnestly helped the Soviet Union to wrap up. He said, "don't look at the bleeding. So the wound is not deep. It's longer. Young people, good metabolism, they should not leave scars."

Su Mian nodded. She doubted whether the doctor intended it or not. He was very heavy when he started, but because the expression of joy was a little scary, she swallowed the pain.

QAQ! If only uncle were here!

She wanted to hold him and cry

What a pain!

"Take care when taking a bath. Don't touch the water. Come and change the medicine in a week." The doctor said, "I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs and anti fever drugs for you. The anti-inflammatory drugs must be taken on time. If there is no fever, you don't have to take them Well, pay for the medicine! "

"I'll do it." Song Qinghuan takes over the medicine list, takes Su Mian out to sit, and then says, "Mianmian, you are waiting for me here."

Su Mian nodded.

There are two places where she was injured, one is the elbow position of the right arm, about ten centimeters of scars, and the other is the position where the left arm is close to the clavicle, which is about six centimeters.

Su Mian is almost worried to death. These two positions are not easy to deal with. How can bathing not touch water? Unless it's not bathing

Fortunately, it's not summer, or she's going to be sour.

"Mianmian, I'll take you to fracture department." Song Qinghuan said.

Originally, Su Mian wanted to see it together. As a result, song Qinghuan said that his foot was dislocated. It's better to find a professional doctor, so they went to another department.

This time, he was a very old doctor. He touched Su Mian's feet, chatted with Su Mian, and helped her to straighten her bones.

Su Mian was broken up without any psychological preparation. She even forgot to shout when she was in pain, but her physiological tears were forced out.

Song Qinghuan was frightened by her appearance. She had not seen Su Mian cry in such a dangerous state just now. Why can't she stop crying now?!

"What did you do?" Song Qinghuan shouted angrily.

The old doctor had a good temper. He said with a smile, "don't worry. I'll help her straighten her bones. It's all right."

Su Mian a face of tears, said, "doctor, you say ah! It's too painful. " Her tears can be said to be out of the storm, can't help it.

"Ha ha I'm afraid you can dodge when I'm ready for you, so the effect will be gone... "

QAQ…… Doctor, you are humorous! What else is the effect?

Song Qinghuan doesn't want to say anything more. He helps Su Mian walk out with a black face. Su Mian is a little embarrassed.

When they got to a garden behind the hospital, Su Mian pointed to the chair over there and said, "Huanhuan, can we go there and have a seat?" The tears and snot on her face are not good-looking. She wants to find a place to wipe her face.

Song Qinghuan looks at Su Mian, then carefully helps her to the past.

After su Mian sat down, he touched his pocket and found that he didn't have a tissue.

"Huanhuan, do you have any tissue?" She asked.

(you can rest assured that this is a silly, white and sweet text that will not abuse ~ read it with me three times ~ ~ no abusive man, no abusive woman^_ ^)