Song Qinghuan hears the words and takes a deep look at Su Mian. He quickly takes out a handkerchief in his pocket and hands it to her.

Su Mian looked down and saw a handkerchief with dark stripes. He looked at it and felt very tall.

She was a little embarrassed and said, "I used to blow my nose..."

"It doesn't matter." Song Qinghuan goes to wipe the tears on her face when she doesn't pick it up.

Su Mian dodged to one side and said, "I'll do it myself." She took it over and wiped her face with force, without any politeness, and blew her nose very simply.

Song Qinghuan's tall handkerchief has been crumpled into a ball by her.

She looked up at him, found him smiling at himself, a little embarrassed to say, "I'll give it back to you after I wash it."

Song Qinghuan still smiles.

Su Mian stopped talking. Looking at the flowers and grass in front of her, she felt in a good mood. After a while, she stood up and said, "let's go back."

"OK." Song Qinghuan replied.

If he could, he hoped that this moment would last a little longer, without saying anything, and he would sit beside himself, and they would sit quietly Just like when I was a kid


After Song Qing sent Su Mian back, he immediately drove to find Zeng coco.

Before Song Qinghuan came, she didn't receive any news.

Those little gangsters thought it was easy to get money, but they met song Qinghuan. Their eldest brother was beaten to death, and they were hurt by Su Mian, either lightly or heavily

I don't know if this ten thousand yuan is enough for them to cure diseases!

So they didn't have time to talk to Zeng.

When Zeng coco heard the nanny say that Song Qing was coming, he couldn't help being happy.

She quickly changed her clothes, and then painted delicate make-up on her face. If she wasn't afraid that song Qinghuan would wait too long, she could make another hairstyle.

"Qinghuan, have you eaten?" Although it was past the meal, she asked him this question first.

If she didn't eat, she thought, there was a good reason to go out together.

Song Qinghuan, with a dark face, said to the nanny, "please go out first."

The nanny looked at Zeng coco. Zeng coco nodded. She went out and closed the door of the living room.

"Qinghuan..." Zeng coco looked at him with love.

Song Qinghuan kicked the table angrily. All the glasses on the table fell down and broke to the ground.

Once cocoa ah, she said in panic, "what are you crazy about?"

Song Qinghuan stepped forward, reached for Zeng Coco's collar and said coldly, "who gave you the courage? How dare you let people go for a long time? "

When Zeng coco turned white, she said, "I didn't..."

Song Qinghuan can't bear to reach out and slap her hand, which makes her mouth bleed.

"Those people have admitted that there is no difference between you and me?"

Zeng Coco's eyes were fierce. She tried hard to push song Qinghuan away. As a result, song Qinghuan didn't want to.

She laughed madly and said, "you don't really like that man, do you? What's good about her?! I've known you for ten years. I've been with you for ten years! It's me Zeng coco! It's not her Su Mian! "

Song Qinghuan sneered and said, "shut up! You don't deserve to be compared with her! "