"I don't deserve it?!" Zeng coco laughs madly and says, "she doesn't deserve it! She doesn't know you at all! What you show in front of her is not the real you at all! What qualifications does Su Mian have to compete with me? "

"I'll warn you again at last. Don't move your idea, or I won't let you go easily next time!" Song Qinghuan said coldly, then released the prison of Zeng coco, and Zeng coco fell to the ground.

At the moment, she didn't care about her image at all. She rushed to embrace song Qinghuan's leg and said loudly.

"Qinghuan, only I know you best! Only I can be with you all the time... "

Song Qinghuan kicked her off impatiently, and walked out without turning back.

Zeng coco was lying on the ground crying. She bit her teeth and said, "you are not you at all in front of her. You are selfish, cold and ruthless But even if you and I like it, I'm a fool... "


Su Mian comes back injured. Bai Jing is shocked and asks, "Mian you are Fighting with someone? "

"Oh, yes." Su Mian returns.

"Trough! How dare you bully the people I cover! " Bai Jing jumps down from the bed angrily. She pulls up her sleeves and says, "who fought with you? I'm going to be angry with you now... "

"Calm down!" Su Mian hugs her waist and doesn't let her impulse.

"I can't calm down. You've been bullied like this!"

"In fact, they are more miserable..." Su Mian saw that Bai Jing was still angry, so she told her the story.

After hearing this, Bai Jing said, "you said there is a sister in our class. Do you know her name?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "it looks strange, but it's our class. I've seen it several times."

"That will do! Come with me! " Bai Jingqi rushes out with Su Mian.

Bai Jing knocked on the monitor's dormitory door and said, "monitor, I remember that we took a big picture together during the military training. Can you show it to me now?"

Although the monitor thought that Bai Jing's request was a little strange, it was not difficult. She nodded and let them in.

Bai Jing said, "Mianmian, let's see who it is."

as like as two peas in the girl's military training, the squad leader used the SLR and enlarged the monitor. Everyone's facial features were very clear.

"It's her."

"Well, she's Ma Yun from the next class." The monitor said, "sometimes we have classes in large classes. Do you have anything to do with her?"

"Yes, she asked us to borrow a book. I was going to ask her to come back. Monitor, which dormitory does she live in?" Bai Jing asked with a smile.

"402, it's upstairs." The monitor replied.

"Thank you! I'll treat you to Malatang another day. " Bai Jing said handsome.

"You've said it many times! I haven't seen you once! " The monitor called out to Bai Jing's back, "well, please have a look at me once!"


"Mianmian, next thing you don't need to go up, you go back to the dormitory first." Bai Jing said, "I'm going to beat people up. If you go there, I'm afraid I'll hurt you by mistake..."

Su Mian had a black line on her forehead. She knew Xiaojing was kind enough to persuade her to go back.

She shook her head and said, "I have to go with you, because I don't know why they are bothering me And miss Zeng in their mouth, I want to find out who she is...... "

"Well then! Let's go together! If I beat you later, I won't believe her! "

Su Mianmian: "..."

She can't help it or not, she said, "Xiaojing, it's hard to hit people in the dormitory, isn't it? If it is found by the supervisor, it will be recorded as a demerit... " Although she also wanted to be angry, she didn't want Xiaojing to have an accident.

"I'm not afraid. As soon as we get in, I'll block the door. Besides, I beat people from childhood to adulthood. I know how to make people hurt and look invisible."

All right?!