When Bai Jing heard the answer she wanted to know, she raised her hand and knocked on her neck. Ma Yun fainted with a sound.

And what has just been used to scare Ma Yun is only a stainless steel spoon.

Bai Jing looks at Su Mianmian, who is still dazed, and says, "Mianmian, don't think too much about it. Wait for me to find someone to ask what's the way of Zeng coco. Don't worry. I'll follow you in the following days and I'll protect you!"

"Thank you..." The matter began with joy, but joy did not say a word.

If Su Mian says that he doesn't care about it, it's a lie.

She has a feeling of being cheated by her friends, and more importantly, she seems to be in a "emotional tangle" She dares to swear to heaven that she and Huanhuan are absolutely pure friends.


What's the matter!

Besides, her hand is injured. I dare not go back this week. If she is seen by my uncle, I think she will have a good meal again


But Su Mian's worry didn't come, because Huo Ting didn't come back and his affairs haven't been dealt with properly.

"Keep busy, uncle." Said Su Mian.

OK, I'll be back when I'm finished. Goodbye. ]


After he hung up the phone, he looked at Chen CE and said, "brother Chen, I think the other party seems to have noticed..."

Also, after all, it's just a substitute. It's not easy to keep it from you for such a long time.

"Next time I call, I'll call later." Before Chen CE finished speaking, he saw someone running in front of him.

"Brother Chen, boss is awake!"

Chen CE was shocked, but he didn't care to talk to the man. He ran quickly to Huo Ting's ward.

“BOSS!” He cried excitedly.

It is not easy for a person with long-term facial paralysis to show a shocked expression.

If it wasn't for too many people in the ward, he would have knelt down and hugged Huo Ting's thigh and cried for so long! Finally wake up!

Huo Ting looked at him deadpan and asked, "who are you?"

The advice is unbelievably backward.

"Wife, is facial paralysis an incurable disease?" Gong Beicheng holds Xia Yi's shoulder and says, "look, Chen CE can show his expression."

Xia Yi looks at Chen Qie with a smile. She still remembers her duty as a doctor, she explains.

"Huo Ting lost his memory."

"Lost memory?!" Chen CE thinks the whole person is not good!

How can Dr. Xia downplay such an important thing It's over?!

"It's not easy for him to wake up. He's just lost his memory. He's not a fool..." Xia Yi said lightly, "if you are not sure, I can find an expert to give him an IQ test with an accuracy of 99%."

Huo Ting: "..."

Hearing this, Chen CE looked at huoting's dark face in silence. How dare he say that? He didn't want the year-end bonus?!

"No, I believe in boss's intelligence."

“……” Huoting, who had been silent since he woke up, could not bear it any longer. He felt that there was no normal person among these people. He stared at Gongbei City carefully.

Gong Beicheng was a little guilty when he saw it. He said, "court, what do you think of me like this?"

"Why are you so old?" Hoting asked coldly.



I'm afraid it's not so easy to lose memory?!
