Bai Jing's heart was on fire. Without waiting for Su Mian to say more, she rushed upstairs.

Su Mian Leng Leng, also don't allow her to think too much, hurry to keep up with Bai Jing's footsteps.

At the door of 402 upstairs, Bai Jing looks at the doorplate angrily and kicks out.

The door was kicked open because it hit the bed behind the door and came back.

Bai Jing kicked her feet again. This time, the door didn't come back.

She looked at several people with big mouths in the room and said with a smile, "I want to get in touch with Ma Yun alone. No one else will go out, or Don't blame me for the disaster. "

Several girls in the room looked at Bai Jing in shock, and they could put an egg into her mouth.

"Not out yet?" Bai Jing is not happy to reach out and knock on the doorplate again.

Several girls hurriedly stood up. They looked at each other uneasily, and then looked at the girl who shrank into the bed when Bai Jing said the name Ma Yun.

It's terrible for this man to get up. Don't stay as cannon fodder.

Besides, their relationship with Ma Yun is not very good.

At one time, the same idea came into everyone's mind.

They ran out of the dorm like a runaway

Bai Jing slams the door, locks it, sneers and walks to the only girl left in the dormitory.

She was crouching in the corner of the bed with the quilt in her arms. Seeing Bai Jing coming, she cried uneasily, "don't come here, I don't know you."

"Do you know her then?" Bai Jing drags Su Mian here.

Ma Yun's face changed and he was shocked. Didn't it succeed? So, is this female devil's head here to stand for Su Mian?

"I didn't do anything." Ma Yun shouted eagerly.

Bai Jing is very angry when she looks at her. She has the courage to admit it. What she hates most is such a person.

"Come here." Bai Jing leans over, grabs Ma Yun's head and pulls her off the bed.

"Ouch." Ma Yun fell directly from the bed and cried out in pain.

Bai Jing slapped her hand and said, "don't cry."

"Wuwu, you, you can't hit me. I'll tell the teacher later and dismiss you all."

"How dare you say that?" Bai Jing felt a fire rush from the top of her head, and shook her hands again.

Seeing that Ma Yun is still crying, she immediately shakes her hands again.

Pa Pa Pa Pa!

The incessant slaps completely suppressed Ma Yun's cry. Su Mian didn't feel soft. At this time, she had two 10 cm long wounds on her body, which had something to do with Ma Yun.

"Xiaojing!" Su Mian looks at it almost. Ma Yun's face is a pig's head. What can I do if I fight again?

She pulled Bai Jing's clothes. "Ask who ordered her."

"Say, who directed you?" Bai Jing pulls up Ma Yun's hair and lets her look up at herself and Su Mian. "Who told you to take Mianmian to Houshan?"

Ma Yun's eyes suddenly shrunk.

Zeng coco is a terrible woman. She dare not offend.

"As long as you say it, we'll let you go." Su Mian road. "I have no enemies with you. Why do you want to help them?"

"Do you mean it or not?" Bai Jing tugged at Ma Yun's hair.

Ma Yun hurriedly shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't know."

"How can you be like this?" Su Mianmian is also a little unhappy. She deliberately scares Ma Yun. She says, "Xiao Jing, why don't you make two strokes on her face? Can you see if she's still tough?"


"Good! I like people with integrity the most I'll have a look. When the knife goes on, can you keep it up? " Bai Jing shows a cold white tooth to smile at Ma Yun.

"No, no, it's none of my business." Ma Yun covered his head and cried loudly.

Bai Jing doesn't care so much. She holds a cold thing close to her face.

Ma Yun found that Bai Jing was not joking. She panicked and said, "I said! Don't do that! "

"Say it!"

"It's Zeng coco. She sent for someone."

Bai Jing looks at Su Mian and she shakes her head.

She doesn't even know who Zeng coco is, OK?

"Be more specific!" Said Bai Jing.

"I used to be a classmate with Zeng coco. Zeng coco has been chasing song Qinghuan for ten years. Everyone in the attached middle school knows that song Qinghuan came to H University for Su Mianmian, and then Zeng coco also came. It is estimated that..." She paused, paying careful attention to her words, and said, "is it to teach Su Mian a little lesson? It's really none of my business. I'm afraid of them So I had to Ah! "