About Su Mian, Huo Ting has heard many people mention her.

Gong Beicheng said, "court, I have never seen you so interested in a person. In front of her, you are just a wife slave. No, it should be said, even a wife slave is inferior."

In response, Huo Ting bared his nose.

Chen CE said, "boss, you are absolutely true to your wife! There are many things I dare not say because I am afraid that after I say them, boss will deduct my year-end bonus after you recover your memory. "

"I want to deduct your year-end bonus now." Hoting said coldly.

"Boss, you can't do this to me. I work overtime every day. I have no more dedicated employees than me. You should give me the best employee Award..." (ten thousand words are omitted below.)


So when Huo Ting received Su Mian's phone call and heard her voice, suddenly her heart beat a little faster.

Of course, it was ignored by him.

"Hello." Hoting responded coldly.

Su Mian's heart suddenly trembled. She said, "uncle, are you back?"

"Well." Huo Ting returned.

"When did you come back?"

"Just, soon."

Su Mianmian: "..." It's strange how Uncle talks.

"Uncle, are you not feeling well?" Su Mian thought for a moment and asked politely, "I think your voice is a little different than before."

Today's voice seems to be deeper than it was a few days ago.

"I lost my memory," returned Huo ting

Su Mianmian then said, "excuse me, uncle, what are you talking about? I heard it wrong just now. "

Maybe she didn't hear it clearly before she heard uncle say that she lost her memory

"I lost my memory."

“?!” Su Mian was shocked and said, "you lost your memory? Is it amnesia that I understand? "

"Well." Huo Ting returned.

Su Mianmian thinks the whole person is not good. Uncle says he has lost his memory? But he can be so understated, just like saying I have a cold

"Then do you remember me?" Su Mian hopes this is just a joke by Huo ting.

It's just that the joke is not funny at all.

"I don't remember." Huo Ting returned.

Su Mianmian: "..."

Many years later, Su Mian remembered her mood at the moment, that is, she wanted to rush to the other end of the phone line and beat Huo ting up.

She said, "where are you now?"

"At home."

"You wait for me!" Su Mian says this sentence mercilessly and then hangs up the phone decisively.

Huo Ting looks at the phone that Su Mian has hung up, and suddenly he smiles.

Dong Dong just took advantage of Huo Ting's phone call and quickly stuffed all the cakes into his stomach. Seeing Huo Ting's hostile smile, Dong Dong asked curiously, "Daddy, what did you say?"

Huo Ting saw the greasy mouth in winter and winter, and said, "wipe your mouth first."

Winter Oh, picked up a napkin to wipe.

"Abby, you say it quickly."

Huo Ting smiled and said, "Guess!"

Winter and winter: "..." BAABAA, come on, dad is worse than me! Even bullying innocent children! It's just amazing!

And Su Mian here, after she hung up the phone, she planned to buy a ticket back to s City, but today it's very unlucky, their school network can't be opened, Su Mian brushed it for a while and then gave up decisively, she plans to go to the station to buy it.