Su Mian holds the high-speed rail ticket and stands on the platform waiting for the train. She suddenly calms down when the cold wind blows.

Is uncle joking with her?

How can I lose my memory? And the tone of his voice is very strange!

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was

"Hello, can't you get on yet?" The man standing behind Su Mian asked, "if you can't get on, please move. I want to get on."

Su Mian is stupefied, and returns to his mind.

Don't worry about that! Have you bought all the tickets? Can you return them?!


When Su Mian left the station, he saw the black Butler at a glance.

No way, he is too conspicuous.

The black tube family was dressed in a black tuxedo, and his hair was combed meticulously. Beside him stood several girls, screaming and holding their cell phones to take selfies with him.

After seeing Su Mian, the black housekeeper bowed politely to them, and then came to Su Mian.

Su Mian asked, "what were you doing?"

"They thought I was in cospiay." Black housekeeper asked, "madam, I'll take the things."

Su Mianmian handed over the bag. When they got on the bus, she asked again, "what's the matter with uncle? What I just said on the phone I can't say it's strange. "

“…… Madam, you will know when you go back. " Said the black housekeeper lightly.

Su Mian looks up at him. He smiles at Su Mian, but the eyes under his glasses seem to have other meanings

Half of what you say is the most annoying


"Daddy, what are you doing?" Winter asked.

Huo Ting looked back and saw that Dong Dong had wet hair on his head, and then he was holding the wet sheep. The sheep Mimi raised the wet eyes and looked at him, bleating.

"You bathe with it?" Huo Ting could not bear to step back.

Dongdong nodded, raised the small fire high, and said, "it's clean and fragrant. Do you want to smell it, daddy? It's my favorite strawberry shower gel. "

“……” What the hell is strawberry taste?!

Huo Ting felt that the whole person was not good. He called the maid over and said, "you go and separate them, and then help him dry his hair."

The maid looked at Huo Ting's face and decided to listen to him better. So, several people went up and hugged the sheep decisively, and hugged the young master

When Dongdong was held apart by two maids, she shouted, "Daddy, don't separate me from Xiaohuo..."

Huo Ting: "..."

"Daddy, you are cruel! Make a noise... " Before Dongdong finished speaking, she was carried away by the maids.

Looking at the back disappeared in winter and winter, huoting felt that his ears were suddenly clean.

At this time, he was suddenly called.


Huo Ting looked back and saw a strange girl standing in front of him.

He did not see her, but gave him a sense of familiarity that he could not tell.

She has sweet features and big eyes. When she looks at him, she seems to be able to speak. This look is what he likes

He was wondering when he saw her smile again.

"Why are you standing here alone? Is it waiting for me? " Su Mian asked shyly.

Huo Ting's eyes darkened, and he swallowed his saliva silently. The girl smiled with dimples He doesn't know how to describe his psychological feelings at the moment. If he is more abstract, it seems that an invisible arrow hit his heart

He looked deeply at her dimple, and he had an impulse to kiss.

"Who are you?" He asked hoarsely.

Su Mian was stupefied, and the smile on the corner of her mouth froze.

She replied, "are you kidding me?"

Su Mian looks at Huo Ting carefully. She finds that her uncle's dress is a little different from before. He is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans under his body. His hair is also put down at will. I wonder if it's because he hasn't been trimmed recently. The bangs are a little long Cover your forehead.

Such a dress made him look a few years younger.

(weeping, I got heatstroke yesterday! Vomiting and dizzy ~ ~ it's too hot. Please pay attention to your health.)