Both of them don't want to break up, so this fight will not start.

Their hands are still tightly held, but they were not very familiar before, but in fact, they should be very familiar with the intimate relationship.

For a while, each other was a little embarrassed.

"Have you eaten?" Asked Su Mian.

She thought that she should start to learn to accept the uncle who lost his memory.

Because anyway, it's him!

Huo Ting shook his head.

"Let's go home." Su Mianmian said, "I'll make you something to eat. By the way, do you like cakes?"

Huo Ting watched the soft Su Mian suddenly, and he didn't want to interrupt such a gentle scene.

In fact, he doesn't like cake, but he can't say what he refuses at the moment.

He said in a slightly awkward way, "as long as it's not Strawberry..."

As soon as I mention strawberry cake, I think of the shape of winter and winter. He will have indigestion.

"Don't you like strawberry?" Su Mian is surprised to say, "before you clearly like this."

"I mean, as long as it's not Strawberry I don't want any. " Huo Ting said without changing his face.

Su Mian smelt the words, relieved, and said, "Well! Then I'll make a strawberry cake! " It seems that uncle is the same as before.

Huoting watched Su Mian rejoicing, and suddenly felt that eating a strawberry cake was not too much to bear.


"Brother Huan, what are you looking at?" Zhao Wenyu bought the water and came out. As a result, he saw song Qinghuan's face was very dark. He looked in his direction, but saw nothing.

Song Qinghuan takes back her sight and the expression on her face is as usual.

He said, "if you came out today to talk about Zeng coco, you can say nothing."

When Zhao Wenyu heard the words, he immediately showed an expression of embarrassment. He scratched his head and said, "brother Huan, sister coco knows it's wrong! Can't you forgive her? You don't know, when she called me, it was miserable to cry! Even if she did something, you can forgive her for the reason that she likes you so many years. "

Song Qinghuan asked, "if you don't know what she has done, come and plead for her?" Why is this cousin so absent-minded.

Zhao Wenyu was slightly shocked and said.

"Sister coco said that she made you angry accidentally..." He said and found that song Qinghuan's expression was not right. He asked again, "what did she do?"

Song Qinghuan sighed a little and didn't want to say anything more on this issue. He simply said, "don't worry about this matter."

When Zhao Wenyu heard song Qinghuan say this, he knew that he could not interfere in this event. From childhood to adulthood, brother Huan had an idea. As long as he made a decision, no one could stop it.

"I'm going back to school. Are you going with me?" Song Qinghuan asked.

Zhao Wenyu shook his head.

After Song Qinghuan left, he called Zeng coco, who said excitedly as soon as the phone was connected.

"Wenyu, what did Qinghuan say? He... "

Zhao Wenyu interrupts her and says, "sister coco, tell me first, what did you do to make brother Huan so angry?"

Once coco listened to him and asked what he didn't understand. Song Qinghuan didn't forgive her at all.

"He still refuses to forgive me Is she that important? I won't let her go! "

Zeng coco said a few inexplicable words and then hung up the phone, leaving Zhao Wenyu confused.