Su Mian put the cake in front of Huo ting and said, "you can eat more this winter and winter."

But Huo Ting's heart is broken.

He really doesn't like cake! Especially strawberry cake

Huo Ting looked at Su Mian and couldn't make a cold expression after all. He sipped the corner of his mouth and said, "thank you."

Su Mian looks at him in shock.

He asked doubtfully, "what's the matter?"

Su Mian touched his face a little embarrassed and said, "I heard you say thank you for the first time."

Huo Ting: "..."

Su Mian blinked at him and said, "what have you experienced in the past ten years? There are so many characters... "

On the way back, they talked about Huo Ting's physical condition at the moment. She knew that his memory went back to ten years ago, that is to say, the psychological age of uncle was only 18.

She's the same age^_ ^!

Hoting is so engrossed in cake that he doesn't want to answer the question at all, OK?

Because he didn't know

"What shall I call you later?" Su Mian, chin in hand, looked at him and asked, "isn't it right to call you uncle now?"

After finishing a big piece of cake, hoting felt that it was his limit.

Although it tastes good, is it enough to eat such a sweet and greasy thing?

He wiped his mouth and said, "it's up to you."

Su Mian sips her lips and says, "do you want to eat?"

Hoting shook his head.

Su Mian said again, "then take this cake back to Dongdong."

Hearing this, Huo Ting looked up at her and said, "I will not go back."

When he said this, it was su Mian's turn to wonder. She said, "what do you want to do?" It's hard that uncle Cheng wants to talk to her

Su Mian blushed, thinking that if Huo Ting really said it, she would despise him severely!

Huo Ting couldn't stand her expression. He put his hand over his chest and said, "can you think of purity? You blush. You must think of some color. Love. "

"I, I......" Su Mian is said to be in the heart, and her face is even redder.

"You're just an adult, aren't you? Can't you be pure in mind? " Huo Ting hates that iron is not steel.

Su Mian stared at him and saw him in a serious way.

QAQ…… It seems that I really think too much!


In the evening, Su Mian slept in the master bedroom, while Huo Ting slept in the guest room on the right side of the master bedroom.

Su Mian couldn't sleep and turned over.

Huo Ting couldn't sleep, and he turned over. Although the sleeping space of the two people was different, the turning direction was the same. Both of them were looking at the moon outside the window at the same time.

Although there are still many troubles at the moment, and the most fundamental problem has not been solved, but

As long as people's health is good, so, there is nothing that can't be crossed.

Now the uncle is also very good!

Su Mian shook his fist and gradually closed his eyes

After an hour, Huo Ting still couldn't sleep. He got up. Almost instinctively, he went to Su Mian's door. He leaned against the door and listened for a while. He didn't hear anything.

With a twist of his hand, the door opened.

Su Mian's unpreparedness for him delighted him.

He went in and saw Su Mian falling asleep. Suddenly he felt very cute.

"Only when you are asleep..." Later, I couldn't hear clearly. I saw Huo Ting bend down