Su Mianmian felt so hot that she felt something was sticking in her face all the time.

She reached out and pushed, and found that she could not push away at all, not only could not push away, but she was more vigorously held.

In her dream, she was bound by an octopus monster. She struggled hard and struggled

Then she opened her eyes, and he saw jottim's stubby chin.


"Ah!" Sue was screaming.

Huo Ting was woken up and sat up.

"Early in the morning, what's the noise?!"

Su Mian saw that he didn't wear anything on himself. She was even scared and panicked. She grabbed the quilt and said loudly, "why don't you wear anything?"

Huo Ting looked down at his eight abdominal muscles and said, "is it necessary to be so shocked? Aren't you tired of watching it for a long time? "

QAQ…… When did Uncle become so bad? How can you be so thick skinned?

How to break it? She's a little overwhelmed.

Su Mian couldn't bear to say, "Why are you in my bed?"

"Is this your bed?"

Su Mian nodded and said, "it's not my bed or yours."

"You are right! This is my bed. " Huo Ting said with a smile, "look carefully."

What are you talking about, uncle? How is that possible?

She slept in the room last night

Su Mian looks around and finds that this is not the master bedroom!

"How has this changed?" She slept in her room!

Huoting evil spirit smiled, reached up Su Mian's chin and said, "I also want to ask you! Early in the morning in my bed, you say, what does that mean? "

"I, I really sleep in my own room!" Su Mian has no tears.

Can't she sleepwalk after she fell asleep?


Huoting wanted to play with Su Mian. Last night, he went to Su Mian's room when he couldn't sleep. Seeing her sleeping so sweet, he pinched her cheek a little.

As a result, Su Mian slapped his hand like a mosquito.

As a result, the naive uncle Huo was upset, so he moved Su Mian to his bed as a pillow.

Strange to say, he fell asleep soon after holding Su Mian

The truth of the matter, Huo Ting will not tell Su Mian naturally, so Su Mian misunderstood it.

"Your sleep is so bad. It seems that I need to lock the door tonight." Huo Ting simply got the price and sold.

Su Mian's QAQ

"It won't be like this tonight. I'll go back to school later." Su Mian said a little embarrassed.

She secretly looked at Huo Ting's abdominal muscles, secretly swallowed saliva, and wanted to touch it.

"Don't you come back to stay at night?" He thought that he didn't want to stay when he bought a house so close to the school.

"No, I'm too lazy to run around."

Hearing the words, Huo Ting was silent.

If the pillow doesn't come back, what about his sleep quality?

"I'll pick you up."

Su Mian looked up and asked, "are you so free? Isn't the company busy? "

The company has now given it to the old man, who is now "recuperating". The old man asked him to have a good rest.

Huo Ting nodded.

Su Mian hears the words and is a bit embarrassed.

It must be tired to run back and forth every day, but she was a little uneasy to leave huoting alone here.

After all, this opportunity can get along well. It's a rare opportunity

"Then I'll be back in the evening." Su Mian made the decision with a smile.