"You don't understand her!" The spectacle man said angrily, "she is such a willful person! You don't know. Last year, we bet with the president of animation club who will recruit the most new members, and then we lost. Do you know?! We went to the animation agency for a month of health ah! one month! Not a day less! "

The spectacle man said and choked.

Su Mian opens her eyes, and Xuejie is standing behind the man with eyes.

She would like to remind the optician that Bai Xuejie has come out

As a result, the optician didn't notice at all. He wiped his tears and said excitedly.

"So! This time she's impulsive again! What kind of gambling did you say! It's not that we don't know, where can we be more talented than animation Club... "

Su Mian swallows saliva. In the spirit of humanity, she reaches out and pats the man in the glasses, saying, "I think you should calm down first, don't say..."

"Let him say it!" Snow said coldly.

As soon as the voice of snow came out, the man with glasses suddenly became stiff.

He turned around and saw snow standing behind him If he can, he really wants to pass out.

"If you faint, I will strip your clothes and let them out." The threat of cold snow.

Glasses man turned half of the white eyes hard to break back.

"Meeting, President, how did you come..."

"If I don't come, I can't hear such interesting words!" Snow said with a cold smile, "say, go on! I think it's interesting! Four eyes, you are so awesome! I never knew you saw me that way! " Snow White said that she couldn't help it. She started to draw glasses directly.

"Ah! The president is merciful! " He cried out in horror.

Su Mian couldn't bear to look straight, turning her head to one side painfully.

Ten minutes later, the man with eyes turned into a pig's face. His eyes had been beaten awkwardly. Snow White had not beaten people so happily for a long time.

"Mianmian, sit down!" After the fight, Bai Xue became gentle and lovely again.

Su Mian naturally did not dare not stop. She sat down and said, "good student sister."

"What have you been doing recently? I didn't see you very much. " In fact, snow white is just a casual question.

Su Mian immediately said, "if you need anything, please do as you like! If I can do it, I will do it without saying anything! "

Snow picked up her eyebrows and said, "well Have you just heard that our student union is going to give a program on the school day... "

Su Mian frowned and said, "I can't dance, and I don't have all five tones!"

She confessed first!

"Don't worry, none of this is necessary." Snow White said with a smile, "you just need to show your face..."

Although Xuejie Bai said that, how does she feel There's a sense of foreboding.

Su Mian touched his face and said, "sister, you can't speak directly! I'll do it if I can. "

"How refreshing! I like you! " Snow White happily patted Su Mian on the shoulder and said, "in fact, it's very simple. I'm going to make a cospsy show! The protagonist is you and song Manshen! "

She wants to, as long as song Manshen is willing to come out, then according to Manshen effect, she doesn't believe that she can't win the animation club!