Su Mian opened her eyes, which she had never touched!

She worried and said, "sister, I, I can't!"

"What don't you need to do?! Just change your clothes and stand up! " Snow narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "I just promised you that you would not regret so soon, right?"

Su Mian shook her head forcefully, and she said, "no, no, since the student sister looks up to me, I will try my best to do well..." Just now, the tragedy of the man with glasses is still in my mind. Su Mian is very frustrated and dare not say anything against it.

"That's good." Snow White smiled.

Su Mian thought for a moment and then said, "just, I'm afraid Huanhuan won't agree..." According to the setting of the god horse, it's usually cold! How can I participate in this kind of activity which is obviously by everyone's YY.

"It makes sense!" Snow White was a little worried, she said, "why don't you call him now?"

Song's participation in the performance is absolutely crucial!

"Now?" Asked Su Mian.

"Yes, right now, I'll watch you fight."

Su Mianmian: "..."

She didn't dare to fight against the devil, so she took out the phone and called song Qinghuan.

The phone was picked up after two rings.

Su Mian opens the door.

[Mianmian, what can I do for you? ]Song Qinghuan's voice is as gentle as ever.

"Huanhuan, I have something to ask you." Su Mian, looking at Bai Xue, said, "it's like this. Isn't it about to celebrate the school day? The student union is going to have an activity. The ranking of this activity is very important... "

She used to explain everything.

But Snow White was impatient. She silently made a mouth shape and said the key point!

"Actually, we need to get cosply here. Can you join us?" Su said with a sigh.

Song Qinghuan at the other end of the phone chuckled softly.

"If you feel embarrassed..."

[good! ]

"eh? You agreed? " Su Mian is a little shocked.

So easy to agree?!

What about the agreed high cold setting?!

Yes! ]Song Qinghuan chuckled and asked, "is Xuejie Bai next to you? ]

even know this?!

Isn't joy amazing?!


Give her the phone, I'll tell her. ]Su Mian hands the phone to Bai Xue.

Snow White took the call, she did not cancel the release, so Su Mian could hear it.

"Hi! The God of song. " Snow said.

[Hello, elder sister, I have only one requirement for participation, that is, the role of COS is decided by me. Don't worry, I will find a very famous novel to Cos. ]Song Qinghuan said.

For snow white, this requirement is not too much. Naturally, she will not have any dissatisfaction.

"No problem, I promise you."

After the two agreed, they returned the phone to Su Mian, who had just received it, and song Qinghuan said.

[Mianmian, please cancel the release first. I have something to tell you alone. ]

Su Mian: "..."

Trough! Isn't joy amazing?! Even if she let it go?! Su Mian is shocked!

Xuejie Bai smiles vaguely and pats Su Mian's shoulder to get out of the way. However, before she gets out of the way, she doesn't forget to pull away the glasses man who is still lying on the ground and licking the wound