Huo Ting is hit a scene completely by the driver to see in the eye, but the driver dare not say a word.

It's over! Seeing the humiliating scene of boss, will he be killed?

However, Huo Ting is now ten years younger in mind. He is a kind-hearted young man. His good face is more than that of the driver. He covers his forehead with pain and pretends that nothing has happened. He says, "take the car back."

"Yes!" The driver dare not say anything.


When huoting got home, the black housekeeper told him that Gongbei city was coming.

"Is he alone?" Asked hoting.

The black Butler replied, "yes, young master Gong came alone."

After hearing this, Huo Ting went directly to see Gongbei city.

Gong Beicheng and huoting have been friends for more than 20 years. They began to know each other as soon as they were sensible. They all came together when they were young. Huoting lost ten years of memory. The only one he remembered was gong Beicheng.

No way, the "entanglement" between the two is too deep. If one of them is of the opposite sex, it is estimated that their children are very big.

Huo Ting opened the door and saw Gong Beicheng drinking red wine very leisurely. After seeing him, Gong Beicheng said with a smile.

"Court, I can't imagine that you even have this bottle of red wine. This bottle of red wine is now priceless. I think you have three bottles. I'll take two bottles back to my wife to taste later."

Huo Ting's line of sight moves down. Gong Beicheng has almost finished drinking this bottle.

When he thought of asking him a question, he put up with it.

Huo Ting went to the opposite side of him and sat down and said, "you have changed a lot. I remember you said that you would never get married."

Gong Beicheng replied, "please! How many years ago... " Fortunately, Xia Yi didn't come today.

"Millie, chenzhini, Kelly..."

Hearing these names, Gong Beicheng suddenly felt sick. He looked at the door and said, "can you stop mentioning these names? It's been so long."

These are the girlfriends of Gong Beicheng

"Don't mention it. I have a question for you." Huo Ting asked seriously.

"Come on! Brother, if you have anything to say, don't mention those names any more. It's all in the past. Millie met her on the way last week. Her son has given birth to three... " Gong Beicheng took a sip of red wine and continued, "you don't look at my wife's ascetic appearance. She's cute and jealous."

And Dr. Xia's jealous way is special especially.

Last time, Gong Bei City was stopped for social activities by a woman. The woman was more unrestrained. She rushed over and kissed several people in Gong Bei City. Many people in Gong Bei City never met such a woman. After he pushed her away, half of her lipstick was left on her collar. What's more tragic is that he didn't find it himself.

When Dr. Xia saw it, he didn't quarrel with him. He just worked overtime.

To know that in their hospital, Dr. Xia is a proper man. As soon as she works overtime, many beautiful little nurses work overtime.

In the long night, those who throw themselves into arms and arms are almost counted by calling.

When Gong Beicheng saw the lipstick on Xia Yi's collar for the nth time, he couldn't help kneeling for mercy.

Wife, I'm wrong. Please don't work overtime any more

His rivals are all women, who can understand his pain?!