When Huo Ting saw the northern city of the palace, he showed a happy expression as soon as he mentioned Xia, which was a show off from the heart.

Let single dog see just want to beat him, nothing to say mood

"Well, I don't want to hear that." Huo Ting interrupts him and asks, "if, I mean if, your wife went to drink with other men..."

"Little cute finally dumped you?" Gong Beicheng said happily.

Huo Ting stares at him fiercely and says, "is little cute what you can shout? Believe it or not, I'll call Dr. Xia now, and I'll tell her about Millie... "

"Trough! How naive is huoting! How old are you? Do you play threat?! Do you think you're still eighteen? " Gong Beicheng was so scared that he put down all the red wine and went straight to grab huoting's cell phone.

You're kidding! If you really ask him to call Xia Yi, maybe his wife won't let him sleep in tonight.

"I'm really eighteen." Huo Ting said lightly.

After Gong Beicheng grabs the mobile phone, he looks at huoting's natural expression and suddenly feels his heart is blocked. He puts down his mobile phone and replies, "OK, brother is afraid of you. If you have any questions, please tell me in detail. I won't laugh at you... "

Even if you want a joke, go home and share it with your wife.

Huoting is still too young to realize the insidious heart of Gongbei City, so he tells Su Mian that he ate with xiaobailian and was caught by him.

Gong Beicheng looked at him strangely, and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a day..."

Huo Ting's brow is blue and sinews are raised. He makes the move to call Xia Yi again.

Gong Beicheng can't stand to say, "well, no kidding."

Huo Ting groaned proudly.

"In fact, I think it's quite obvious that Su Mian means cute, Keke. She just wants you to pursue her again."

"Is that so?" All of a sudden, Huo Ting felt an open mind.

"That's right!" Gong Beicheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "I don't think you need to pay too much attention to the little white face, in fact! The point is not the little white face, but Su Mian's heart. As long as you grasp her heart, no matter what the little white face or the little black face is, tut, it's not your opponent. "

"That seems to make sense." Hoting said.

"The most important thing for you now is to create more opportunities to get along. As long as you meet more, you are not afraid of misunderstandings. If you can't see each other, everything will be in vain But isn't she a student? If you want to make a meeting It's a little difficult. "

Huo Ting faintly said, "don't worry about this. I've been in H University."

"Trough! How did you do it? "

"I just donated a teaching building."

"Wit!" Gong Beicheng said, "but how can you think of going in?"

Huo Ting was silent for a while and said, "Dong Dong said that someone was watching Su Mianmian. I asked her not to say it, so..." He planned to go to the school and catch the adulterer himself, but he didn't expect to meet the adulterer directly.

"Brother, it's not easy for you." I have so much to worry about.

"Last question." Huo Ting asked, "if you mess with She's angry. How can I coax her? "

Gongbei City: "..."

Is that the point?! How can I put it last?!