Song Qinghuan asked Su Mian to talk about the school anniversary after class. Of course, not only the two of them, but also Bai Xue.

Since it's a task, Su Mian agrees without saying anything.

Bai Xuejie is very concerned about this performance. It's about betting with the president of the animation club. In any case, she can't lose.

"Song Nanshen, you said that the proposition is up to you. I don't know what you think?" Bai Xuejie asked directly, "my suggestion is that it's better to choose some characters that are very familiar to the public to create, or classic characters that have appeared in the movie? What do you think? "

"I don't think so." Song Qinghuan said lightly, "such roles are not creative at all. They are all corrupted by cos. Mianmian and I are not professional. If we go to Cos again, there will be a comparative crisis. Moreover, it is difficult for later people to surpass the former."

"That's right." Snow White nodded and said, "so, you want to create new characters."

"That's right." Song Qinghuan didn't sell, he said, "do you know even March?"

"March?! Are you talking about the God of reasoning? Who wrote about the city of darkness Snow white stood up excitedly.

Song Qinghuan nods.

"My God! You can ask for his authorization Snow White is so excited.

Su Mian asked doubtfully, "who is even March?"

Snow White couldn't bear it. She said excitedly, "it's continuous. Don't you even know him? Didn't you read a novel? "

"No." She replied.

Snow white can't help but hold her forehead and say, "come, sister Xuejie, I'll give you an encyclopedia." She said as she pulled Su Mian over.

Even in March, his identity became a mystery, which never appeared in the public's vision. His identity was also male and female, and he couldn't figure out his gender.

He wrote four novels in total, and the famous work "the city of darkness" was sold to the market as soon as it was published. The publishing house printed twice in just three years, and the latest masterpiece was "mercy inn".

His book adaptation, film and TV series are all based on barley, and the highest box office record is his "the city of darkness", which no one can break.

But because the previous work has been cos for too many times, I don't know what happened to this great one. After the third work was released, he made a public statement and no longer authorized cosplay.

Therefore, when song Qinghuan said that he wanted his works of COS, snow white as a super brain powder, it's just a happy mood!

"That's a good look." Said Su Mian.

"It's not listening. It's really powerful. It's super powerful!" Snow White said excitedly, "but how can you get the authorization of Lianda? He said it publicly before, and no longer authorized it to others. "

"He owes me one." Song Qinghuan simply said, "so if I say anything, he has to promise me."

"God! Do you know Lian Da? " Snow White's brain disabled fan mode was turned on, and she asked excitedly, "can you ask Da Da for a signature for me?"

"No problem." Song Qinghuan simply said, "let me call him to see if he's up."

"It's hard, it's hard, it's not even big, it's coming!" Hearing this news, snow white felt that the whole person was about to fly. She grabbed Su Mian's hand and said, "Mian, you should give me a quick slap and let me see. Are you dreaming?"

Su Mianmian: "..."

Do you want to exaggerate?!