After all, it was late. Song Qinghuan didn't take Su Mian too far. He found a private restaurant very close to the school.

In the evening, it didn't taste too much. He ordered a bowl of noodles for Su Mian and fried two vegetables.

Every time, Huanhuan is very considerate.

Su Mian looks at him busy inside and outside, feeling more guilty.

She thought, some words must be made clear to him.

"Huanhuan, I have something to tell you." Said Su Mian.

Song Qinghuan handed her the chopsticks and said, "let's have a full meal first. Don't talk when eating. It's easy to get indigestion."

Su Mianmian: "..."

Maybe there are few guests in the evening. Su Mian's noodles will come up soon.

"Eat." Song Qinghuan said softly.

Su Mian sips her mouth and starts to eat noodles.


Finally, when Su Mian is full, and she is about to open her mouth, Song Qing says cheerfully, "Mian, go back first, or you can't catch up."

The dormitory lights out at 11 o'clock. After that, all the students who go back will be remembered by the dormitory manager.

Su Mian looks at the mobile phone, and the display time is 10:36.

Time is really tight.

This time point is not suitable for chatting slowly.

"We'll see each other tomorrow." Song Qing said with a smile, "what do you want to say, we will talk about it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Su Mian asked in doubt.

"Didn't snow white tell you?" After seeing Su Mian shaking his head, song Qinghuan added, "we will measure tomorrow and start making clothes."

"Well, I don't know." Said Su Mian.

"Didn't you go to wechat? What the elder sister said on wechat. "

"Yes, I didn't make it today. Fortunately you told me."


When Su Mian came back to the dormitory, it was exactly 11:00 sharp. She went to take a bath in the dark. When she climbed to bed, it was already 11:30.

She opened wechat and saw Bai Xue's message.

She immediately replied: received!

As soon as this message was sent, she received another message from Song Qinghuan.

[rest early! good night. ]Looking at this message, Su Mian has an indescribable taste.

If it's not the person you like who likes you and who is your important friend, it's really a burden.

She has no experience in this field, she only knows that it can not be allowed to continue to spread, because this is a hopeless relationship.

She must make it clear to Huanhuan.

That's what's best for him, isn't it?

[Huanhuan, I'm sorry that I haven't told you. In fact, I'm married, so thank you for your love, but I can't respond to anything. I'm sorry! ]After the news was sent, Su Mian was relieved.

Anyway, she said it.

After su Mianmian sent this message, song Qinghuan didn't respond to it again. He didn't know if he saw it.

Su Mian fell asleep.

In the dream, they still sit on the balcony and look at the plants in the garden as they were children.

Xiaosu asked, "Huanhuan, I saw the ant move in my house last time. Did you say they are the same?"

"Maybe." Song Qinghuan looked down at the book and occasionally responded to Su Mian's childish questions.

Some emotions, if they never change, how good