When Su Mian got up the next day, he was not surprised to get a pair of panda eyes.

When Bai Jing saw it, she couldn't help clapping her shoulder and saying, "what did you do last night? Why is the black eye so exaggerated? "

Su sighed and said, "I had a dream all night."

The dream is very real, as if it happened when I was a child.

So when she woke up in the morning, she was upset.

"Dreaming?" Bai Jing asked curiously, "did you have a nightmare?"

Su Mian shook his head and said, "it's not a nightmare, it's a beautiful dream."

When she had finished, she turned and went into the bathroom.

After hearing this, Bai Jing was even more puzzled.

"Since it's not a nightmare, why can't you sleep well?"

Just because it's so beautiful, I feel sad. I'm afraid that after I wake up, my dream will be broken


To be honest, before Su Mian saw song Qinghuan again, her mood was very uneasy.

She even wondered what she would do if Huan Huan broke up with her?

She thought, she must not cry!

No matter how you do, you should hold back your tears. If you want to cry, go back to the dormitory and cry again! Clench!

Anyway, what she never expected was that song Qinghuan had not changed at all.

She is still as gentle as ever. She can't help but take out her mobile phone and read it twice to make sure that the wechat is sent. Is it

Is Huanhuan not connected to the Internet?

"Mianmian, don't play with cell phones!" Snow White said, "quickly put away the mobile phone, we will measure the size soon."

Su Mian hears the words and quickly puts the mobile phone into the bag.

When measuring the size, Xuejie has been measuring to the closest position. Su Mian is a little worried and asks, "Xuejie, will the clothes be bigger? It's a little too close, isn't it? "

The reason why she asked is that she heard the size they reported.

Snow White directly patted Su Mian's ass and said, "Mianmian, you have to lose weight recently! This is the size! You'd better give me two pounds more. "

Su Mian's QAQ

"Don't ask me anything, sister."

"Late! You've asked! " Snow White said with a smile, "listen, recently, starchy food is not allowed at night. By the way, what did you eat last night?"

She had a big bowl of noodles last night.

Su Mian said weakly, "I don't think you are interested in learning elder sister."

Seeing Su Mian's empty heart, Snow White said, "it doesn't matter what she didn't understand. From today on, you can eat less for me in the evening. Come on, let's go!"

"Xuejie, I really want to be so cruel!" Su Mian is full of cattle.

"Don't talk nonsense! Up Snow said.

Su Mian touched her face. It seemed that she could not escape this time. She stood up.

"It's OK, forty-seven kilograms. It's perfect if you're forty-five." I think the waist can be one centimeter thinner. What time did you have dinner last night

She didn't finish the supper last night Is it going to be discovered?

Su Mian said weakly, "ten o'clock."

The designer is a Guangdong girl. Four heels are very unclear. After hearing Su Mianmian's words, she said, "four o'clock, that's very good. You have a sense of losing weight!"

Su Mian lowered her head embarrassed.

"Didn't she say ten?" The onlookers expressed doubts one after another. Are they right?

"It's four o'clock! Four o'clock is OK. If you go to bed late, you'd better not eat after six o'clock. Four o'clock is easy to consume. "

Snow White is really can't look down, she said to the designer, "sister, she eats at ten, not four."

She made a gesture as she spoke.

The designer's younger sister suddenly made it clear. Suddenly, her face turned white and she stopped Su Mian and said seriously, "you can't eat dinner so late. You will be fat! This time, the clothes we designed must be worn close to the body to show the effect. And even most of them said that when he set the heroine, the human design was pale, thin and beautiful, so! "

Snow White took over her words excitedly, she pulled Su Mian over and continued to say seriously, "you must not be fat! You'd better be thinner! "

"Thin and thin!" The crowd gathered to observe harmony.

Su Mian, with a black line on his forehead, raised his hand and surrendered.

She said, "I see. I'll try to lose weight recently!"

"Very good!" "Then I'll change the size of the clothes to another centimeter!" said the designer's sister

Su Mianmian: "..."



After they had ravaged Su Mian, they threw her out and dragged song Qinghuan in to measure her size.When measuring the size of song Nanshen, it was a completely different painting style.

Su Mian could hear their cheers outside the door.

"Wow! He has abs! Get out of the way! Let me touch it! "

"Can you do some exercises! I look down on you! Is the abdominals of the God of men easy to touch? Get out of the way and let me do it! "

"Be quiet! I'm a designer. I should measure Tut Tut, song Manshen, you are really skinny when you take off clothes and wear meat! This figure is really perfect! " It seems that the designer's sister won.

Bai Xue can't even watch it anymore. She said, "your voice is lower..."


Su Mianmian: "..."

Don't you think the painting is too bad?

After 20 minutes, the size of song Qinghuan was measured.

Everyone came out.

The designer's sister said, "give me a week's time, I'll make the clothes, and then I'll bring them to you for you to try, and then we can try on the makeup."

"OK." Snow White said, "please."

After the designer's sister finished, she sipped her mouth and said, "snow white, in fact, I think it's better to add another role. In addition to the hero of dada's article, the actor of the villain boss is also very popular, and his fans are also many. Can you find someone else to Cos him? In terms of clothes, you don't need to worry. I can do it together. "

When it comes to the boss of the villain, it's not that Bai Xue didn't think about it, it's just that the candidates can't be found.

First of all, she wants to find a man who can live in the God of Song Dynasty. Then, the man has to meet the setting of Lian dada's novel characters.

The first condition is hard to find Let alone the second

She sighed and said, "it's not that I don't want to find it, it's a little difficult..."

"I understand, but I hope you can try it first. Don't give up easily first. Anyway, I'll do it first on the clothes side." Said the designer's sister.

"OK!" Bai Xue agrees.