After the matter is settled, everyone will have a rest.

When snow white left, she specially looked at Su Mian and said, "Mian, come with me. I have something to tell you."

Although Su Mian felt a little surprised, he nodded.

Bai Xue takes Su Mian to the small office of the student union. After she sits down, she directly asks, "what's the relationship between you and song Nanshen?"

The style of a student sister is always so simple and rough.

Su Mian Leng Leng, replied, "what? What's the relationship? "

"Are you together?"

Su Mian shook his head hard and said, "no, we are not that kind of relationship, sister, you misunderstood."

"It turns out that song Manshen hasn't caught up with him..." Snow White was a little surprised. She asked, "are you someone you like?"

Su Mian is even more embarrassed.

But when snow white saw her like this, she was more sure.

She said, "that's what happened Forget it, it's hard to force things with feelings... "

"Excuse me, sister. I'll take the call." Sue's phone rang.

"Take it." Snow said.

"Hello Where I am has nothing to do with you... " Because the student sister is on the side, Su Mian is embarrassed to say too much. She says, "if you have nothing to say, I'll hang up!"

Snow white looks at Su Mian curiously.

"What? Don't go too far, hotting! " Su Mian hung up angrily.

Snow White asked with a smile, "is this the person you like?"

Su Mian replied, "I'll make you laugh."

"Did you fight?"

Su Mian sips the corners of her mouth. She really doesn't know how to explain it.

Snow White continued, "well, if there's anything between lovers, please have a good communication, but I've never seen you lose your temper. It seems that you really like this person..."

Su Mian smiled helplessly and said, "what else can I say?"

As they talked, they went out to the door.

"You've always been soft and bullying. Anyway, I haven't seen you get angry. I mean, only in front of the most important people can you show your true self? So Hey? Who is this handsome man! " The snow exclaimed.

Su Mian looks along the direction of Bai Xue's finger.

This is Huo Ting?!

Su Mian thought of what he had just said on the phone and was even more angry.

It turned out that he had already installed software in his mobile phone. He could know where she was in minutes.

No wonder, no matter where she was before, he could find himself in the first time.

"Su Mian, come here." Hoting said coldly.

Su Mian glared at him fiercely, but his body didn't move.

Make it clear that you don't want to cooperate.

Snow White looked at huoting and Su Mian and asked, "Mian, this is it?"

"He is..." Su Mian thought about it and thought of huoting's new identity. She replied, "the new teacher Huo."

"Teacher?! Is there such a handsome teacher in our school? Why I never know! "

"So it's new..." Su Mian explained.

Snow white touched her chin, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration. She asked excitedly, "Miss Huo, do you have any interest in a role of cos?"

Su Mian hears the words, and immediately thinks that Xuejie is supposed to let the villain boss in huoting cos company's dada article.