Su Mian didn't understand whether Huo Ting's taste had changed in the end?

Because he didn't eat the gruel at last, but he looked at leiaotian and their eyes were so hot that they seemed to have some difficult emotions.

Su Mian scratched her head, but she couldn't understand.

Naturally, leiaotian understood. He marveled at huoting's wife's dullness. Then he felt that he should stimulate them even more.

Don't think he is kind enough to help hoting. He just wants to show off his happiness.

After the meal, the four set off for the playground again.

Su Mian is still holding Chi Xiaoyuan's hand. They are walking in front of each other.

After watching it, Huo Ting felt very tired and could not love any more.

Leiaotian hooked up his mouth and pulled huoting to say, "don't lose, some things can't be too urgent, I'm different from Xiaoyuan and you..."

Huo Ting looked at Lei Aotian and said, "if you smile sincerely, I will believe that you really want to help me!"

Don't make this schadenfreude smile too obvious!

Lei Aotian touched his face and said, "I tell you, there's a haunted house here. When we buy tickets, we'll separate Xiao Yuan and your wife as soon as we get in. One person is in charge of the other."

"These are fake..." Hoting said.

"You don't understand that, do you? Whether he's real or not? Tut Tut, girls are afraid of these things. When they are afraid, it's not the time for you to behave? "

Huo Ting thought about it and thought it seemed reasonable. He asked, "how do you behave?"

Leiaotian said, "do you really or falsely don't know?"

"I lost my memory," returned Huo ting

Lei Aotian: "..."

He looked at Huo Ting carefully, but Huo Ting didn't let him see anything on his face. OK, just think he didn't know.

Leiaotian said, "when a girl screams and is afraid, you can hold her and tell her that as long as you are there, you don't have to be afraid of anything Do you understand? "

Huo Ting silently recited lines several times in his heart, nodded and said, "remember."

"Hello, what are you two talking about?" Su Mianmian said, "Xiao Yuan and I are going to play Ferris wheel first. Do you want to join us?"

Leiaotian gave Huo ting a silent look. He went up and said, "the ferris wheel is the last one to play. Let's play with the others. Xiao Yuan. I want to see the theme pavilion first. Would you like to accompany me?"

He opened his mouth, and there was nothing wrong with late Xiaoyuan.

"Yes, my God." Chi Xiaoyuan said cleverly, "Mianmian, why don't we play the theme museum first?"

Su Mian is a little shocked that Lei Aotian even killed Chi Xiaoyuan. She says, "OK."

The party turned to the theme pavilion, but when they arrived, they were told that it was open in the afternoon.

Huoting looked at leiaotian, who scratched his head and said, "wait a minute, I'll call." With that, he stepped aside and began to make phone calls.

After about five minutes, he came over and said, "the theme pavilion starts in 20 minutes. Let's buy tickets first."

Su Mianmian: "..." The wicked rich!

Don't think she didn't see it, he must have solved it with money!

Twenty minutes later, Su Mian walked in.

"Continuous." Cried hoting at the door.

Su Mian looks back, and then at the same time, leiaotian takes Chi Xiaoyuan into his arms, and Chi Xiaoyuan looks up and looks at him doubtfully.

Leiaotian said with a smile, "don't disturb them. Let's play by ourselves."

They agreed before they came. The purpose of this activity is to help Su Mian and Huo ting to improve their relationship. Obviously, the atmosphere between them is a little strange. It's not that they don't have love, but that their relationship is a bit like the ambiguous relationship when they haven't broken the last layer of paper.

The problem is, they did everything.

Therefore, to have such a chemical reaction is also to let the onlookers express their magic.

Chi Xiaoyuan nodded cleverly and said, "OK."

Lei Aotian looked at her obedient appearance, and his heart suddenly itched, and he kissed her with his head down.

When he kisses Chi Xiaoyuan, he sees the staff who are dressed as ghosts coming towards them at the corner of his eyes. He reaches out his hand and waves at them in the middle of Chi Xiaoyuan's breath, saying, "scare the people behind you, don't disturb us." Finish saying, continue to kiss Chi Xiaoyuan.

Ghosts: "..." what the fuck! It's inhumane to show love in front of ghosts?!

Why does he want to listen to him?

When the man was about to come forward, he was stopped by the staff who were regulating the lights. He drew the ghosts and said in a low voice, "that's president Lei. He just called to let us open the library earlier! Don't be impulsive, just do what he says! "ok It's Mr. Lei! Largest shareholder! The rich are the boss!

With tears in their eyes, ghosts walk towards Su Mian's direction

And Su Mian here, she was called by Huo Ting, then turned around, Chi Xiaoyuan disappeared.

"And the little circle?" She looked around, but in order to have a special effect, the light here was very dark, and also very scary.

After a long time, Su realized that it was a bit scary here.

"They left first." Huo Ting has been looking at Su Mian's face, seeing her expression of fear, and he is a little happy in his heart. He thinks, this should be his chance to show, right?

"Then let's hurry up." Su Mian rubbed his arm. The air conditioner here is also very low and cold.

Huoting steps forward and holds Su Mian's hand.

Su Mian looks at him a little surprised.

I think you're a little cold His ears are a little red, but Su Mian doesn't find it.

Su Mian sips her lips and says, "it's a little cold." What should I do? Suddenly I think such a uncle is so cute!

Her little heart is beating a little fast.

After the conversation, the atmosphere was silent again.

Huoting's hand is very warm. His hand completely covers Su Mian's hand. Although Su Mian doesn't say anything, he is still very happy.

"Don't be afraid. Of course, if you are afraid, I will allow you to hold me." After Huo Ting said that, he thought about it and added, "as long as I'm here, you don't have to be afraid."

Su Mian's heart beat faster after hearing Huo Ting's words.

She looked at Huo Ting's hand, took a deep breath, reached for it

The ghosts are waiting for them.

"As soon as they come, we will separate them! To show love in front of ghosts is to die! " Unfortunately, this group of people who play ghosts are single dogs.