Although it's a haunted house, Su Mian and Huo Ting are in the right atmosphere, but at this time, a group of staff who play ghosts rush up.

It's still very powerful to see so many ghosts coming.

Su Mian is scared. Before she can react, she is held by a ghost who is half missing.

“……” Su Mian is too scared to speak!

Although the heart knows is false! But at such a close distance, I still think it's frightening.

Su Mian's hand is held by the ghost, and the other hand is held by Huo ting.

The ghost pulled hard, but found that it could not pull her, look carefully, the original reason is huoting here.

Huo Ting has a black face. What do these sudden "things" mean? Do you want to rob him?

He pulled Su Mian harder, then stepped forward and kicked the ghost.

The ghost suddenly let go of Su Mian.

"What a pain! How can I hit people! " The ghost ran away crying.

One ran away, and the rest of them did not dare to approach Huo ting. They looked at each other for a few times, and surrendered without any restraint.

"We are just staff, please don't fight!"

"If you have to fight, please don't fight." He's talking about a faceless ghost.

Su Mian smelt the words, and stared at him curiously for a while. He couldn't help being amused.

"Your face is gone. How can I hit you?"

Huoting is not satisfied that they have robbed Su Mian's attention. He says coldly, "get out of here! Let no one else come up. "

After the ghosts heard it, they immediately dispersed.

Su Mian Leng Leng, said, "we seem to be coming to the ghost house, the ghosts are running, then what do we play?"

As she spoke, the machinery beside her made a strange cry.

It's a wonderful scene, but Su Mian doesn't feel terrible at all, because it's so funny.

"Let's go!" Huo Ting took Su Mian's hand and said, "there's nothing interesting here. Let's go out and play with a device you like."

Speaking of this, Su Mian immediately became interested.

She asked, "why don't we go on a pirate ship? I want to take a pirate ship Ah, I see Xiao Yuan! " Su Mian sees Chi Xiaoyuan and releases huoting's hand.

"Xiaoyuan," she cried as she ran happily, "we are going to take a pirate ship."

Chi Xiaoyuan has been kissed by Lei Aotian for a long time. Now her legs are still soft. She has been a little slow in response, especially now.

"Why, Xiaoyuan, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable? " Su Mian said, holding her hand.

It's not easy to say the reason why her legs are soft. She said, "it's a little stuffy here. Let's go out."

Leiaotian stepped back and asked huoting, "how do you feel? Did you come? "

Huo Ting looks at him with a kind of eyes that you are an animal, and says straightforwardly, "I can't get angry anytime and anywhere."

The implication is that I didn't get married

Lei Aotian said that he understood, and he did not care about Huo ting. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't lose, there will be a chance!"

Huo Ting: "..."

"Why didn't you start when the time and place were so good? You should not... "

What's not going to happen?

Huo Ting gave him a bad look. He was sure that if Lei Aotian dared to say it, his fist would be beaten.

Anyway, he's had a long time to see leiaotian's face.

"You think I didn't say anything." Lei Aotian's wit didn't go on.

Su Mianmian takes Chi Xiaoyuan on a pirate ship. Chi Xiaoyuan vomits as soon as he comes down.

This scared Su Mian. She didn't expect Chi Xiaoyuan to react so much.

"Xiaoyuan, do you feel better?"

Chi Xiaoyuan's whole body is soft after vomiting. She leans on Lei Aotian and says, "sorry, I can't continue playing, or you and Let's play together. I'll go back with brother Tian first. " She really didn't know what to call hoting.

"It's OK. Let's go back together."

In contrast, Su Mian is worried about being late and small.

"No, you don't want to spoil the party because of me. Go and play."

"It's OK. I'll come back next time. I'm a little worried about you..."

Lei Aotian listened to the two push and push, he said, "in fact, I'm ready for the second half."

"What is it?" Asked Su Mian.

Chi Xiaoyuan also looked at Lei Aotian curiously.

"Hot spring! A new hot spring restaurant has been opened in the new area. Apart from 108 pools, there are private pools. You can book whatever you want. " Lei Aotian said with a smile, "since Xiao Yuan is dizzy, it's better for us to go there earlier to have a rest. You can have a sleep. If you are bored, you can go to the hot spring. "After listening, everyone thought it was a good idea.

After all, they have the idea of going out for a day today. If they go back so early, it will be a bit disappointing.


Lei Aotian is particularly reliable at some times, but at some times, he is also particularly unreliable.

Su Mian looks at the helicopter that stops in front of him. He is speechless. Are all the tools used by vampires to go out of the house airplanes?


Su Mianmian's face showed up. Leiaotian understood after reading it. He said, "Xiao Yuan is not feeling well. Fly faster. What do you say Just sit there. "

With one finger, he saw a particularly cool locomotive parked next to the helicopter.

If it wasn't for leiaotian to say that they didn't find out

Su Mianmian: "..."

Is this a joke?

Huoting also frowned. When he was about to speak, leiaotian whispered in his ear, "Hey, if you ride this, she can hold you all the way."

Hold him!

This setting makes Huo Ting feel the hidden joy! It's really wonderful to think about it!

"Mianmian, let's ride this." Hoting said.

Su Mianmian said, "uncle, are you not in a bad mind?" Where did they fly and then drop them both on the scooter?

Although this locomotive is cool and handsome, it is still a locomotive!

"We're not in a hurry anyway." Hoting said.

"That's not the point, OK?"

Leiaotian takes advantage of Su Mian and the two of them, when talking and discussing, directly takes Chi Xiaoyuan on the plane, and then blunders, "goodbye!"

Su Mian shouted, "ah! You wait for us! "

Huo Ting held her hand tightly, retreated a few steps, and said, "the wind is a bit strong, let's stay away!"

So, Su Mian watched the plane fly away