As a result of too much exercise the night before, the hot spring didn't help at all.

Su Mianmian felt that the waist acid was more serious.

She was lying on tatami, looking at huoting, who was sleeping soundly, and her anger rose immediately.

Uncle, it's too much!

How well did you perform all the way?! Not a word! Even touch a hand all blush appearance, say good pure feeling youth set?

How to turn into a wolf after meeting the hot spring? QAQ!

What were those postures last night! Su Mian doubted that Huo Ting had recovered his memory!

"Come on, don't be naughty." Huo Ting reaches out and grabs Su Mian's funny hand on his face from the beginning.

Su Mian will not be obedient. When one hand is caught, she will use the other hand and continue to pinch Huo Ting's face.

Huoting was so tossed, naturally can't sleep, he turned over and held Su Mian's hand, looking down at her.

"Let go of me!" Su Mian has flames in her eyes.

Will you be angry with everyone?!

Huo Ting seriously said, "let go, but you can't scratch me."

Su Mian scratched him so much that he wanted to laugh.

But because of the silly smile, Huo Ting kept holding it.

"What happened to me scratching you? You haven't scratched yet! " Su Mian said angrily, "what did you do last night? I said tired, no more! Did you listen to me and stop? "

Not only didn't it stop, but it went too far.

Huoting was a little confused about Su Mian's angry point. He was stunned and said, "aren't you in a good spirit?"

"My back hurts!" Su Mian said wrongfully.

Huoting sees Su Mian's eyes are red, with two tears in his eyes, and immediately his heart is pulled. He doesn't dare to hold Su Mian's hand, so he releases it.

"Where does it hurt? I'll rub it for you. " Huo Ting reached for Su Mian's waist.

"Hahaha, don't touch it. It's itchy." Su Mian smiles and tears go out. Even if Huo Ting looses her hand, her tears will not stop.

Seeing Su's continuous crying, huoting was at a loss. He didn't know what to think of, so he suddenly stood up and walked out of the door.

Su Mian rubbed her eyes. She actually smiled and was not so angry. But in a blink of an eye, huoting disappeared.

What's going on?

"Uncle?" She yelled. Huo Ting didn't respond to her. It seemed that she had gone out.

Trough! What is uncle playing?

Can we get along well? She's angry, don't coax her, just leave?

Su Mian is angry again. She can't care about her back pain. She gets up and changes her clothes. She goes to the bathroom to wash. She plans to go to Huo ting.

As a result, before she went out to find someone, huoting came back by himself. He not only came back by himself, but also with Chi Xiaoyuan, who was followed by a face of reluctant Lei Aotian.

"Mianmian, are you ok?" Chi Xiaoyuan asked worried.

Su Mian Leng Leng, said, "what can I do for you?"

Lei Aotian looks at Su Mian's moistened face and immediately understands that he is yawning. He goes up and reaches for Chi Xiaoyuan's shoulder and says, "Xiao Yuan, don't worry about them. Let's go back to sleep. You didn't sleep well last night."

Chi Xiaoyuan's face turned red. She said, "brother Tian, if you are tired, go back first. I will accompany you for a while."

"I'm not tired. How can a man be tired?" Leiaotian said with a low smile.

Su Mian couldn't see any more. She said, "ah, what are you doing here?" Fortunately, there are no single dogs here, or they will be blinded.

It's true that love is shown all the time.

Leiaotian kindly pointed to huoting and said, "he said you are not feeling well, and then he has been crying, saying I thought what he did to you Tut Tut, you are OK! "

Su Mianmian's face burned immediately after hearing what he said. She said, "I'm ok. Hurry back. It's a misunderstanding..."

"Didn't you just cry?" Huo Ting wanted to say that it was not a misunderstanding.

"Shut up!" Su Mian said fiercely.

Hoting stopped talking at once.

Chi Xiaoyuan asked, "Mianmian, are you really OK?"

Su Mianmian said, "it's really OK. It's uncle who misunderstood."

"I said nothing would happen. Look what you just worried about let's go! Let's go back. " Leiaotian takes Chi Xiaoyuan's hand and flashes away.

After they left, Su Mian looked at huoting. She sighed and said, "you don't have to go to the vampire next time. Ah, I'm talking about leiaotian."

It's really strange that the relationship between uncle and vampire before amnesia is not so good. How can it become so good now?Huo Ting asked, "are you really OK?"

Su Mian saw that he was so concerned about himself that he lost his temper.

Anyway, last night She is also voluntary and enjoys it, but the process is really too long!

"Don't do that next time..." Su Mian sipped the corners of her mouth and said, "it's too much, and those gestures are too much! Where did you learn that? "

"The information I found online said that girls would be more comfortable..." As inexperienced people, they can only learn more books.

Huo Ting did a lot of preparation in advance. He also asked Chen CE to study many films of island countries.

Chen CE was in a frightened mood. Of course, he couldn't see anything on his face. This is the advantage of facial paralysis.

After Huo Ting finished, he naturally looked at Su Mian's waist and thought that he was very flexible.

Su Mian's face is redder. She says, "next time you don't look at these messy things, can you believe the things on the Internet?" She finally knew that Dong Dong always liked to read some messy novels on the Internet. She must have learned from uncle!

Ten years later, uncle hid his childish side, but ten years ago, he showed his true face.

"Didn't you feel well last night?" Huo Ting asked solemnly, as if he valued the question very much.

Su Mian is going to cry. That's not the point!

"Can we not discuss it?" Su Mian said feebly.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Hoting said.

“……” Su Mianmian said, "forget it, I'm not angry with you. Don't go so far next time. After so long, I'm hungry. Are you hungry?"

Huo Ting nodded.

"Let's go out and eat." Su Mian suggested.

"What would you like to eat?" Asked Huo ting.

"I want to eat meat buns, preserved eggs and lean meat porridge, and drink cold soymilk Let's go! "

