This day, Su Mian waited until noon to see Chi Xiaoyuan and Lei Aotian coming out.

Leiaotian and huoting exchanged a silent look and saw satisfaction from each other's eyes. It seems that this hot spring trip is really valuable.

However, even if they linger, they have to go back to school.

At the end of the holiday, Su Mian and they have to go back to class.

"Where did you go for the weekend?" Bai Jing asked.

Su Mian looks at Chi Xiaoyuan and nods.

She has decided to make it clear to Bai Jing on her way back. She doesn't want to hide her friends any more.

"We went to the hot spring..."

However, before Su Mian had finished speaking, Bai Jing interrupted, and she shouted, "OK! Are you two going to play alone and don't call me to go, and think I'm a brother? "

"Brother Tian went with him." Said Chi Xiaoyuan.

Bai Jing listened and couldn't help turning her eyes. She said, "how can you be a light bulb?" Fortunately, without calling her, she didn't want to be blinded.

Su Mian wiped his face and said, "Xiaojing, actually I have a boyfriend."

"Trough! Are you going to a hot spring and find a man? " Bai Jing stepped back in shock.

Su Mian was more embarrassed. She coughed softly and said, "I You promise not to be angry, if you will? "

"Why is it so serious all of a sudden?" Bai Jing looked at their serious expression, shrugged and said, "I won't be angry without joking. I won't be angry if you rob my man. "

"Do you have a man?" Su Mian looked at her with contempt.

"Does Wu Yanzu count?" Bai Jing's face is a spoony one.

Su Mianmian: "..." She doesn't want to talk to her. What should I do?

"Well, long, what do you want to say?"

Su Mian was interrupted by Bai Jing, but she was in a much better mood. After thinking about it, she said something about her and huoting.

After she finished, Bai Jing and Chi Xiaoyuan were shocked.

Especially Bai Jing, she opened her mouth wide and looked at Su Mian in shock.

“…… That's how it went. " Su Mianmian said with embarrassment, "you Give me a response? Is it talking? "

Bai Jing swallowed her saliva and said, "it's continuous. Your story is more wonderful than the novel. It turns out that he is not your uncle That super cute little girl is your son. Am I not an aunt? What should I do? I also want to wait for little Zhengtai to grow up to catch up with... "

Su Mian saw that Bai Jing's point had completely deviated. She couldn't help but see a black line on her forehead. She was very pertinent and said, "Xiao Jing, it's still small in winter and winter..."

Really, before Dongdong becomes an adult, she and her uncle have agreed to forbid Dongdong from falling in love.

"Mianmian, Miss Huo now..." Chi Xiaoyuan asked anxiously, "can't he remember anything?"

Su Mian nodded.

"Just like me." Chi Xiaoyuan thought of herself. She smiled at Su Mianmian and said, "but it doesn't matter. Even if there is no memory between you, you can create new memories together, just like Tian Ge and I......"

Su Mian looked at Chi Xiaoyuan and Bai Jing, and said, "aren't you angry with me?"

"What are you angry about? We are friends." Bai Jing said with a smile.

Chi Xiaoyuan also nodded.

"Thank you!" Su Mian hugged them and said, "nice to have you!"