Su Mian is slightly stunned, subconsciously grabs his corner, but he doesn't expect to ask this question.

From the beginning to the present, Su Mian has no doubt about him. It's a fake.

After all, it's the relationship between childhood and childhood. We'll meet again after a long goodbye Apart from her, song Qinghuan knew the most about what they knew when they were children.

If he didn't say anything, where did this post get the specious news? How could it be organized in such a way?

She thought about it and replied, "what post?" Su Mian pretends not to know.

Song Qinghuan said, "we have sent out our past things on the Internet. If you see it, I hope you don't care. You can rest assured that I will deal with it."

Su Mian listened to him and asked anxiously, "what would you do?" Since Huanhuan said that she would deal with it, Su Mian didn't pretend to know.

Song Qing laughed and said, "you can go to Weibo at eight o'clock."

Su Mianmian: "..." A notice?! Isn't that fun for her?

"Happy, are you so interesting? Can you give me a good time? " Su Mian said weakly, "don't say half of what you say every time. You make me feel very tired, really!"

Su Mian is annoyed by his tossing and turning, and speaks directly.

"Mianmianmian, don't worry. It's not interesting to tell you now." With that, song Qinghuan hung up.

After su Mian hung up the phone, he said to Bai Jing and Chi Xiaoyuan, who had been listening.

"What does he mean by that? It's like playing with me?! "

Chi Xiaoyuan touched his chin and said, "it seems that he can explain things in Weibo, right?"

Bai Jing couldn't stand it and said, "what else can I explain? Is that kiss just for the show Right! You can say that! Why didn't I think of that?! Mianmian, call song Nanshen and let his micro blog explain it! "

"Don't make any noise!" Su Mianmian said, "I don't want to have any relationship with him now, I just want to stay away from him."

After this incident, Su Mian thinks it's better to stay away from Song Qinghuan.

As long as you stay away from that, nothing will happen.

Some things, in fact, do not care about it should be slowly calm down, right?

"Well, what if he tweets at eight o'clock and ignores you?" Bai Jing asked.

"I will..." Su Mian said calmly, "pretend to die!"

Bai Jing: "..." ok What a good way!

If the client doesn't pay attention, the scandal will disappear soon, right?


However, Su Mian and they are still too young, and song Qinghuan even confessed to the public on Weibo.

It's frightening!

Let the original post look more real, a group of song Qinghuan's brain powder in the following post.

[song god is a man! Awesome! I hope that his micro blog's sister can promise him to be together! ]

[my first love is over! Whimper But song's first love has a good ending so good! Wish them happy together! ]

these are rational fans. Of course, some of them are irrational. They scold Su Mian below.

I know who she is. I've seen her. She looks very ordinary. Why can she have such a confession as song Manshen! I'm worse than her! Song Manshen, please look at me! Look at me! ]Don't be shameless upstairs! Song Nanshen is mine! Go away! Let go of song Nanshen, let me! ]

[I hate crooked building party! I pulled the building back again. I've seen this girl. No matter her height or appearance, she can't match song Nanshen, and you haven't found it? Song Nanshen's confession proves that they are not really together! That is to say, this girl has been hanging the God of song! ]


"Mianmian, what are you going to do?" Bai Jing asked as she brushed her microblog.

Su Mun sticks the mask on the bed of the dormitory, and returns to the road, "cold."

"You really don't care?"

"What else can it do? I'm going to pretend not to admit it's me! " Su Mian returns.

"Is it useful?" Bai Jing Tucao, "make complaints about your big picture online."

She said the photo of song Qinghuan kissing Su Mian.

"For the best, it's just my side face." Said Su Mian.

She's going to wear a hat everywhere recently, so no one doubts that she's the one in the post.

Of course, this is just Su Mian's optimistic idea.

How could it not be discovered?

"All right! I've convinced you! " Bai Jing said.


Will this end like this? Of course not!The more popular the Internet, the more tragic things happened the next day when Su Mian went to school.

I don't know who. I posted a lot of photos on the bulletin board of their department.

Those photos are all intimate photos of Su Mian and Huo ting. I don't know when they were taken. The angle of each photo is particularly ambiguous. What's more, Huo Ting's face was mosaic, but Su Mian's face is very clear.

[look at the speed! Chinese Department's su Mian Shui Yang Hua! Shameless collusion with a woman 's husband! Two boats! ]

the students were shocked! Their understanding of Su Mian is that this student doesn't have a sense of existence. If it wasn't for song Qinghuan's high-profile expression, they didn't notice Su Mian.

And then, it wasn't long after that?! Unexpectedly, Su Mianmian was found to have collaborated with another person, who was not a god of Song Dynasty at first sight.

People are such strange things. When you don't know a person and hear about her, you can easily believe it.

Then, if these photos are used as so-called evidence, all kinds of rumors will be made up.

For example, some students stood up and said.

"Su Mian often doesn't come to class, and not only once did I see her in a super car at the school gate."

"Yes, I have seen it once! At that time, the window rolled up very fast. I didn't see the man clearly, but I must be very old! "

And then it gets too much!

"I've seen that old man! It's over fifty! It's too big to be su Mian's father! How could she be so funny! "

"It's really shameful! How could song Nanshen like such a person? "

"Green tea bitch! Song Manshen must have been cheated! Poor God song, isn't anyone brave enough to tell him the truth? "

When Su Mian saw these photos, someone had already sent them to the Internet, and there were so-called students picking skin on them.

Su Mian became famous at once!