Of course, this kind of fame is not a good thing!

Su Mian saw the text and photos on the billboard, and he was shocked!

What are they all about! She can see the picture. It's really her, but the other person is not a husband with a wife. That's Huo Ting!

It was jottim's face that was mosaic!

And the words above are just nonsense! Completely divorced from the facts! It's just slander!

After Bai Jing finished reading it, she became very angry!

She quickly rushed up and tore up all the things in the bulletin board. She scolded at the same time, "what are you looking at! Get out of the way! If you look again, I'll dig your eyes out! "

One of the female students around scolded, "what's the use of tearing it up?! Everyone saw it! If you do such a thing, you won't be afraid to be told! Shameless bitch! "

"What nonsense?!" Bai Jing throws things to the ground, rushes up directly and grabs her collar, swearing, "your class? tell me one more time! See if I can kill you! "

"You, you don't scare! I, I tell the teacher to go! "

"Tell the teacher to go?! I still want to find a teacher! I think you are very suspicious! Did you post this thing? "

"Nonsense!" The girl screamed.

"Xiaojing." Su Mian stops Bai Jing's fist and says, "come on, let's go."

It seems that she can't go on today's course.

"Mianmian, you......" Bai Jing looks at Su Mian's face and looks pale. Suddenly she can't say anything. She lets go of the classmate and says, "I remember your face! If there's anything wrong with it, I'll find you! "

"You are just a female bandit!" Female students want to cry without tears.

But after such a brawl by Bai Jing, the onlookers dare not easily say that Su Mian is not good, at least in front of him, they dare not say too much!

After all, women bandits dare not offend anyone! It's unreasonable!

Su Mianmian and Bai Jing go back to the dormitory. Bai Jing feels very angry.

What a mess! My friend is so vilified!

She was angry and at the same time felt very powerless, because she did not know how to help Su Mian.

After su Mian came back, she climbed to the bed. She was lying on the bed with her back facing out and her face facing the wall, motionless.

Bai Jing is walking around in a panic. She looks at Su Mian's background worried. She really doesn't know what to do.

After about ten minutes, Su Mian sat up first.

She looked at Bai Jing and said, "Xiao Jing, you don't have to worry about me. I'm ok."

"How can I not worry!" Bai Jing said, "this must be stigma! These photos must be PS! Continuous you are not such a person! "

After su Mian listened, she felt warm.

After seeing the picture, Bai Jing's first reaction is to believe her! That's enough!

She said, "the picture is true, but the man in it is uncle."

"Trough! I can't see it! Your family looks very ascetic! How could it be... " After Bai Jing said half, seeing Su Mian's face turning red, she coughed and said, "since it's not PS, when did you take it? I don't think the scene is the same. "

Speaking of this, Su Mian really has to be convinced!

It can be seen from the photos! This person must have been photographing her for some time, or he would not have taken so many pictures with different scenes.

"I don't know. I don't know." This is actually the most terrible.

After hearing this, Bai Jing asked, "would you like to call your family? I don't think we can solve this problem any more! "

Su Mian hears the words and thinks it makes sense.

Just when Su Mian called Huo Ting, he turned off the phone!

This makes Su Mian a little lost.

When you need uncle most, how can you not contact him?

Originally Su Mian didn't feel very flustered, but when she couldn't get in touch with Huo Ting, she really began to be flustered.

She got up from bed and said, "Xiaojing, I'll go home once."

"Ah?! Where are you going? " Bai Jing asked in surprise.

"I'll go back to s city." Su Mian said while packing, she said, "I won't be able to attend classes these days. I'll come back when things calm down a little bit."

Bai Jing thought for a moment and asked, "why don't I accompany you to the bus?" She was still a little worried about Su Mian.

"No, I'll go myself." Su Mianmian said, "you'd better go to class. You don't want to be affected by my affairs. "

"Don't worry, I'll go to class later." Bai Jing has already planned. She will go to the class to investigate carefully. Be sure to find out the suspect! Even if we can't find it, we can find some clues.Naturally, she will not tell Su Mian about these things.


Su Mian walked out of the school with her schoolbag on her back. She was about to stop a car for the high-speed railway station when suddenly a black car stopped in front of her.

She was wondering, and then saw the door suddenly open and she was pulled hard by someone inside.


Su Mian was shocked and tried to push away, but she was held in her arms. She wanted to resist, but she smelled the familiar smell of the other side.

It's uncle!

She didn't resist for a moment, but hugged Huo ting.

"I'm back." Huoting reached out and patted sue on the back.

Su Mian hasn't cried since this happened.

Actually! There's nothing to cry about! It was a misunderstanding! It's someone who slanders himself!

And those who give her bad words don't know her at all! No, it should be said that those people are more people who don't know or are not familiar with. She doesn't need to feel sad for these words.

However, I don't know what happened. When Huo Ting held her and said to her, he came back.

She just wanted to cry!

Tears can't help it!

She's not so vulnerable, is she?

"How can you scare me again!" Su Mian buries his face in Huo Ting's arms and says stiffly, "and I just called you! Why don't you answer my phone? "

Huo Ting felt the wet feeling on his chest. He was a little confused. He said, "don't cry! I was on the plane just now, I didn't hear the sound of my cell phone. Besides, I didn't mean to scare you Stop crying! If you're scared, I'll make it up to you. "

Su Mian wiped his tears, raised his head, and asked pitifully, "how can you compensate me?"

Huo Ting bent down and put his lips on Su Mian's lips. He whispered, "so..."