Compared with Su Mian's harmonious friendship, Zeng coco didn't know that Huo Ting dug a big hole for her to jump down.

Zeng coco thought that Su Mian would be expelled from school soon. Who knows, Su Mian won't come to school, but she's not dropped out of school, but asking for leave.

Asking for leave and dropping out of school are totally different concepts.

For Zeng, asking for leave is far from enough, so she thinks it's time for her next big move.

She has an appointment today. The location of the candidate is very strange. She has to come alone.

However, capable people are very strange, so, for her own purposes, she endured!

Wearing sunglasses, Zeng coco quickly walked through a dilapidated residential area and quickly entered one of the buildings. She went straight to the sixth floor.

She knocked on one of the doors, and soon someone came out to open it. It was a man wearing a mask. He quickly scanned his eyes and pulled Zeng coco in.

"How do you do things?" Zeng coco didn't wait for the man to speak, but pushed him out with all his strength. Her face was red with anger. "I give you so much money, can I only make such an effect?"

It's not enough. It's far from what she expected. It doesn't achieve the result she wanted.

"I want her to drop out of school. In this situation, it's not enough. You have to do something more. I can't stand her and my school any more. "

As long as I think that she can often meet song Qinghuan, her heart is as hard as being bitten by a snake.

"Miss Zeng, you can't blame me for that." The man was not angry either. He got up and began to explain. "Now the other side has already shot, and should be a master, but we don't have any strong materials here, it's not easy to achieve the result you want."

"Hot data?" Zeng coco made a funny laugh, suddenly opened his bag, took out a stack of photos from it, and directly threw them on the coffee table beside the man.

The photos are very slippery. Under such a strong force, they spread out directly, and some even fell to the ground.

The man looked curiously down, and the more he looked, the more ugly his face was, even with a look of disbelief.

He grabs one of the photos, which shows two people. The man makes a mosaic, while the woman can see the face clearly. He knows Su Mian.

Both of them seem to be undressed. Su Mian is lying in the arms of a man. The man's hand is on her chest. The gesture is holding the plump place. Su Mian looks up slightly and smiles lovingly.

The scale of the whole picture is so large that people can imagine it at a glance.

"This is a fake." The man frowned. He turned and looked at Zeng coco. He was uneasy. "Miss Zeng, this picture of you is synthetic."

"What if it's fake?" Zeng cacao laughed sarcastically, "how many people can really distinguish the true from the false? Do you think they're all hackers? The IQ of ordinary people is not so high, they will believe it. "

"But..." Men still don't think it's proper.

Even if it's fake, Su Mian already has a rumor that she has a husband in front of her. Those people will believe it if they see this picture. Do you understand the terrible rumors? "