She stepped forward step by step, holding sunglasses in her hand, pointing to the man's head. Although she had not yet knocked on his head, she pointed at his face a little bit, which was more dignified than directly stabbing his head.

If it wasn't for This man doesn't want to put up with Zeng coco any more!

Under her ferocious gaze, the man retreated step by step, "Miss Zeng, you..."

"I want her to be ruined. I want her to be beaten. I want her to have no face to live. You! Do something for me now. I don't want to waste any more time. "

Before forcing the man to the slanting desk, Zeng coco suddenly smiled, with a charming smile. She raised her hand and quickly flicked a note on the man's face. Then she took out an envelope from the bag and threw it on the desk. "Take people's money and help others to eliminate disasters. You can't live with money, right?"

The man also suddenly smiled, he nodded, grabbed the envelope and opened it, squinted and swept his eyes, showing a satisfied smile.

"Of course, I have always been very professional. Well, since you are so demanding, I can only do so. "

The man raised the envelope in his hand and stuffed it into the drawer of his desk. Then I took the photos and scanned them into the computer with a scanner.

Under Zeng Coco's horrific eyes, the man put the photos on the Internet with a quick action.

At the moment of seeing him Click to send, it was laughable, very happy, very proud, rampant laughter.

"Su Mian, I'll see how you die." The chilly snake like laughter made the man feel his back began to cool. He could not help but move the chair aside to keep away from this terrible and vicious woman.

With a few laughs, Zeng coco took a U-disk out of his bag and threw it on the ground. "You'll send this to the Internet right away."

"What is this?" The man asked curiously.

"Just look at it." Zeng cacao sneers, "absolutely wonderful, your man's favorite."

As soon as the man heard this, he began to look bad. He took out a moment, and then plugged the U-disk into the computer.

Like a large island country, it's exciting. Love, of course, the heroine doesn't need to think about it. It's su Mian.

It should be said that the heroine is very similar to Su Mian, but it's not her.

I don't know where she came from. She has a similarity of seven or eight.

The man suddenly thinks Miss Zeng is going crazy!

The man's face was a little dark. "This Miss Zeng, isn't it too much? "

"Too much? I can go a little further. " Zeng coco sneers. She wanted to play three men and one woman, but now she is just a man. She is merciful.

"But this kind of thing is not easy. Once it is found out, it will be very troublesome."

It's no big deal for a man to send a picture and get caught, but now it's such a video. Once caught, he's bound to eat nothing.

Zeng coco glanced at him coldly, "what are you afraid of? I tell you, the public security bureau is full of my people. Even if you have an accident, I can pick you out. "

"Really?" The man looked suspicious.

"You think I'm going to make trouble for myself?" Zeng coco looked at him with the same expression as an idiot, and regretted how he found such a bad brain. "I'm a grasshopper on the same rope with you now. Can't you tell me if you have an accident?"

"Where can I?" The man is fighting awkwardly.

Zeng coco took a step forward and put the mouse in his hand. "Hurry up, you'll get benefits."

"Well then." The man's face is helpless, "but once something happens, you must help me."

"Nonsense." Zeng coco hummed.

The man immediately transmitted the video to the Internet and quickly pressed the send button.

"Hahaha..." Zeng coco smiled happily. "Su Mian, I'm going to knock you down at last."

Suddenly there was a loud thud outside, interrupting Zeng Coco's laughter. It was like a cackling hen suddenly being strangled by someone and unable to make a sound.

The door was suddenly knocked open. Several people in police uniforms rushed in and quickly caught Zeng coco and the man.

"Who are you? What are you doing?! " Zeng coco screamed loudly.

"Now I suspect that you are involved in the illegal dissemination of **** films. Go back to the bureau with us." A very tall man, looking down at Zeng coco, said coldly.

Zeng coco was in a daze for a moment. At this time, she seemed to be in the double sky of ice and fire.

Her face is still hanging a smile that is slowly solidified, but her eyes are beginning to spread uneasiness.

The arm is twisted very painful, she cannot help but begin to hum, "do you know who I am?"

"I care who you are!" The tall policeman directly put his police ID card in front of her and asked her to look at it carefully"What about the police?" Zeng coco calmed down at this time. "Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me? Let go. I told you to let go. Do you hear me? "

She was desperately struggling to get rid of the two policemen behind her.

But the strength behind her never disappeared. Obviously, they didn't pay attention to her words.

Zeng coco screamed madly, "you guys who don't have eyes dare to provoke me. OK, good. I'll let you know what's wrong with me. "

She made the police look very bad without any scruples. If she were not a woman, they would have started to clean her up.

"Do you think you have a chance to deal with them?"

With the cold voice, a soft and heavy footsteps came from the outside.

Zeng coco looked at the past with some fear, and the footsteps seemed to have a strange power, as if they were synchronized with her heartbeat, as if all their own were under control.

Step by step, step by step, through the light from the door, Zeng coco finally saw the tall figure.

Huo Ting came to her step by step, not deliberately ruthless, but just so indifferent momentum, for the present Zeng coco is even more terrible.

"You..." Zeng coco is a little silly. How could he appear here?

"I'll let the lawyer follow up on the latter. You are bound to spend more than ten years in prison. I, hotting, promise you

The man who had traded with Zeng coco before sent a recording pen like thing to Huo Ting, "Mr. Huo, the evidence is here."

Huo Ting turned his head slightly and said softly, "you did a good job."

"Yes, yes." The man echoed.

Zeng coco realized in a trance that he had been betrayed by the hacker.

"Damn bitch, how dare you betray me?" Zeng coco screamed ferociously and rushed at the man like a madman. "I'm going to kill you!"