Xia looked down and saw a line on the pregnancy test stick.

She actually knew the result before Su Mian's test, and she didn't feel any surprise.

If I came to my aunt two weeks ago, would it be ok if the security period didn't pass? How could you be pregnant

Xia Yi looks at Su Mian's embarrassed face, and she can't bear to laugh at her.

She patiently explained to Su Mian about the safety period. After that, Su Mian lowered her head. She put her hand on her stomach and felt a little sad

After guessing that she is pregnant, she has only a few hours to make sure that she is not pregnant. But Su Mian's mood has gone up and down several times.

She even thought that for the sake of the baby, she might have to stop school for a while.

Su Mianmian is a child lacking love, so if she has a baby, she will definitely give birth to her anyway.

Frankly speaking, she is full of expectation for the child.

So, now when I know that everything is just my own misunderstanding, I feel that my heart is blocked

"Little cute." Xia Yi took her hand gently and said, "listen to me, you are still young, don't worry."

Su Mianmian felt that her nose was a little sour. She took a breath and said, "thank you, doctor Xia."

Xia Yi sighed a little and said, "you think nausea and nausea are due to gastritis. I'll prescribe some medicine for you. Take it for a few days, and then eat some light food on your diet. You'll get better soon." Just, the loss of little lovely heart may have to be adjusted by herself.

Su nodded, smiled and asked, "doctor Xia, do you think I can be quiet?"

Xia looked at her and said, "don't think too much, just let it go." After saying this, she turned around and went out, leaving Su Mian a space to be alone.

Su Mian could not help crying after she left in summer.

But she didn't want to cry. She covered her mouth with strength, just like a little animal's whine.


After a few minutes or so, the door was opened, and Huo Ting came in. He saw a big bulge on the quilt, which made a whine.

He frowned and went to try to lift the quilt. Su Mian pressed the quilt hard to prevent huoting from lifting it.

"You are not good for your health." Huoting couldn't keep up with Su, so he had to persuade her.

“……” Su Mian did not speak.

Huo Ting rubbed his forehead. He hugged Su Mian with the quilt and said, "don't be sad. We are young. The baby will come."

Su Mian forcefully bites her lips, she silently cries. After a while, when she feels like venting, she chokes and says, "I, I just feel a little sorry for you..." Uncle is looking forward to this child

"Fool! What are you sorry about me! " Huo tingrou said in a voice, "to be honest, I think it's better for the baby to come late. We've just passed the world of two, and the children are very naughty. In a short time, I think we can have one person in winter Little sheep, you really don't need to feel sad. My baby can wait until you finish college... "

Su Mian heard Huo Ting's words and was relieved.

(today, Xiaohuo is in a bad mood, who will comfort me with QAQ)