Su Mian let go of the quilt. She put out her head timidly and asked, "uncle, do you really think so?"

Huo Ting bowed his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said, "really, so don't be sad any more. You are not well yet."

Su Mian took a sniff, hugged Huo ting and said, "uncle, you are so nice!" She now felt that she was very lucky to marry Huo ting.

Huoting looks down at Su mianmianmian. She looks obedient. When he looks down to kiss her, the door is opened again.

"Baa Baa!"

The voice of winter and winter is full of vitality.

The two adults looked at him awkwardly.

Dongdong blinked and said, "are you holding each other to kiss?" After he finished speaking, he covered his eyes a little embarrassed, and then peeped through the cracks of his fingers.

Huo Ting resisted the impulse of beating Dong Dong's ass. he asked, "what are you doing here?"

Dongdong sees that they are not married, he puts down his hand. He goes over and says to Su Mian, "Baa Baa, can I have a sister? I don't want a brother. "

In fact, children of this age have a vague concept of gender, especially children as young as Dongdong.

How lovely my sister is! She will call for his brother. My brother doesn't like it. Maybe he will rob his toys?

Su Mian suddenly showed an embarrassed expression, she said, "Dongdong, I'm sorry, there is no baby."

"No more?" Dong Dong looks surprised. He looks around and asks, "where did she go? Have you flown away? "

Su Mian reached for Dongdong, put his face next to his curly hair, and said, "I'm not pregnant." After thinking about it, she told Dongdong the truth.

Because the relationship between them has always been more like a friend.

"But you vomited Online is not to say, vomiting is pregnant? " Winter and winter still can't understand.

Huo Ting held back his anger and said, "let you watch less things you don't have at ordinary times, and you will only be allowed to surf the Internet for two hours every day!"

Dongdong thinks that his sister is gone, which makes him feel more sad than hoting stopping his network.

He asked sadly, "how could it be gone?"

"I vomit because of gastritis, not because of having a baby." Su Mianmian explained.

After listening to Dongdong, he felt very lost. He hung his head down and looked withered.

Huo Ting couldn't bear to say, "are you more sad than your father?"

"Wow! My sister is gone! Wow Can't I be sad yet? " Dong Dong was roared by Huo ting. He couldn't help crying. He cried sadly, "I want to show off my sister to others. They must have laughed at me..."

Huo Ting reaches for Dongdong, but rarely does not hit his ass, but reaches out and rubs his hair. However, Huo Ting's strength is not well controlled, and Dongdong feels that his hair is almost gone.

"Stupid! Even if your mommy is pregnant, you may not have a sister. It's stupid of you to show off before you know for sure! "

When Huo Ting said this, he completely forgot that he also showed off with Gongbei city.

winter Dong shook his body, and said suck, "where do I know you are so helpless?" I lost my sister properly... "

Huo Ting: "..." Come on! This kid blame me?!