It took Su Mian and Huo ting a long time to make Dongdong accept that Su Mian was not pregnant.

Dong Dong wanted to howl twice, but he heard Huo Ting say, "don't quarrel, it's uncomfortable. If you quarrel any longer, your mother's disease will be better."

Dongdong is still in love with Su Mian. He sucks his nose, sucks up his snot, and says, "BAABAA, you must take care of yourself!"

Su Mian sees Dongdong's expression and wants to laugh, but it seems that it's not good to laugh at the moment. Dongdong will definitely be upset.

She took out a tissue to help Dong Dong blow his nose. She said softly, "don't cry! Winter and winter. "

"OK." Dong Dong rubs his eyes, and returns to him cleverly.

Huo Ting looked at the two men and suddenly reached for them and said, "I can have you It's really great. " In fact, this is enough! Really?

As he spoke very quietly, neither of them could hear what he said.

"Hoting, you're too heavy for me to breathe." Winter complained.

Hearing this, Huo Ting picked up Dong Dong and said to Su Mian, "Mian, take a rest first, and I'll send him out."

"I don't want to go! I want to be with BAABAA... " Dongdong stretches out Erkang's hand, and then is mercilessly carried out by Huo ting.

Su Mian looks at the back of their two father and son. Next second, he can't help laughing.


Su Mian's body is completely better after a week's cultivation.

Dongdong is young, and his mood comes and goes quickly. With Su Mian's relief, he is no longer depressed.

In fact, a large part of the reason is that Su Mianmian promised him that he would give him a cute sister, but when?

That's what hoting said.

"Your sister is still germinating and has not formed fruit. Your father will try to sow seeds. If you want her to come out quickly, listen to us more and let us worry less. Go to bed early at night and don't stick to it. Do you understand?"

Dongdong blinked and accepted the statement.

just, after waiting for Huo ting to leave, he can't help but to make complaints about his father in the game group.

"Are adults so childish now? Still sprouting? Do you really think I don't know anything? Alas What about my sister's dad being so low in IQ? However, don't worry too much. Huo Ting's stupidity doesn't give birth to my clever son's paper, so my sister will be very cute and smart with BAABAA gene! "

Dongdong's friends: "that's enough!"


"Uncle, what did you just say to Dongdong?" Su Mian asked curiously.

She seems to have heard something about germination, sowing and so on Are they going to raise plants?

Huoting hears the words, he looks at Su Mian deeply.

Su Mianmian just took a bath and wore a vest casually. She looked very attractive, but she didn't know it at all.

Huo Ting looked at it and suddenly felt his tongue dry. He came over and said, "do you want to know?"

Su Mian suddenly felt a sense of danger. She wanted to step back, but where would huoting let her do it?

He grabbed her hand, held her in his arms and kissed her.

He is willing to tell Su Mian what he said to Dong Dong with his actions

The night is deep

Su Mian woke up the next day and rubbed his waist again.

Trough! Uncle, I'm too unruly!

What nonsense did you say last night?!

QAQ…… What is the effort to let the daughter germinate? That's enough!

How can she look directly at the plant industry in the future?

Originally, Su Mian wanted to find huoting to settle accounts. As a result, the black butler told Su Mian that uncle had gone to the company early in the morning. He had something urgent to deal with. He asked the black Butler to tell Su Mian that if she wanted him, she could go to the company to find him at any time.

Su Mianmian: "..." You escaped?!

"Ma'am, do you need a car?" Asked the black housekeeper.

Su Mian shook her head and said, "no thanks."

After hearing Su Mian's words, Dongdong looks up and says, "baa, do you want to go out with me?"

"You can have this!" Su Mian asked with a smile, "where do you want to go?"

"Xiyangyang has come out of the theatre recently. Why don't we go to see it together?"

Su Mianmian: "..." There are hundreds of episodes of this cartoon. Why hasn't it finished?

"Master Dongdong, you have a remedial class today." As a responsible housekeeper, the black housekeeper gives appropriate reminders.

Su Mian immediately said, "winter and winter, I'd better watch the movie next time! You have to go to cram school today. "

"All right!" In winter and winter, I am listless.

After waiting for Dongdong to go to school, Su Mianmian finds a prose and lies on the balcony.However, maybe she didn't sleep well last night. She felt tired without looking at two pages. Today's sun is very big. At eight or nine o'clock, the sun is shining on the grass, giving off a warm atmosphere.

After a long time, Su Mian suddenly heard someone talking in front of her. She opened her eyes vaguely and saw a man in a white robe climbing over the wall.

The two look at each other, and Su Mian is shocked! All the sleepers are gone!

There's a thief?!

And the thief is still a foreigner?!

"Black housekeeper!" Su Mian shouted, "there are thieves! Come and catch the thief! "

The man climbed to the half, saw Su Mian suddenly open his eyes and was scared. Then hearing her scream scared the other half away. He fell off the wall in a panic.

The black housekeeper came soon, and he was shocked to see the foreigner.

Who in this generation doesn't know that all the industries here are owned by the Huo family, and no one dares to approach them, OK?

Unexpectedly, there was a foreigner who didn't have eyes.

He easily put the foreigner's hands back and said in English, "who sent you? Name it and leave you a whole body! "

"Pain!" wailed the foreigner! Light up! We are our own people! You let me go first! "

Su Mian heard his voice, and suddenly felt a little familiar, but for a while she couldn't remember. She came in and wanted to look closer.

"Don't get too close, Madame," said the black housekeeper. "The Arabs are very cunning!"


"You Chinese are so good! Any one of you can learn Chinese Kung Fu. I give up! Chinese Kung Fu is great! Can you let me go? I can give you money! I'm really my own man! No, look! " The foreigner said as he took the money out of his pocket and waved it into the air.

Su Mian looks at this familiar thing, and it's a flash of inspiration!

Ah! She remembered! This is not Huo Zun's local rich friend who likes to make money?

How could he be here?!