The name Huo Zun has always been a legend in the Huo family. It's described in this way from other people's mouths

"Second young master? I've never seen him before. Although I have been working in Huo's house for nearly five years, I haven't seen him once However, I heard that the elder said that she had the honor to meet him once. It is said that she is a very handsome little lady A few years ago? It seems that my elder generation is eight, wrong. I saw you ten years ago... "

When Su Mianmian first went to the Huo's house for dinner, he didn't know who had mentioned Huo Zun. Huo Zhenyuan slapped the table angrily. He shouted angrily, "that unfilial son! I think he died in Iraq! "

In fact, the reason is that Huo Zun forgot to prepare a birthday present for Huo Zhenyuan.

"My second brother is a very troublesome person. His only advantage is that he can help me exercise." After Huo Ting finished, seeing Su Mian could not understand, he added, "beat him!"

Su Mianmian: "..."

"Uncle Er is the most powerful person in the world. He has many things By the way, BAABAA, this is the gift that uncle Er sent to me. Do you think it's very interesting? " Dong Dong shows Su Mian a cylindrical robot and says, "when I was a child, my second uncle took me for a period of time. He taught me many things. He taught me how to crack the firewall..."

The following omits the 1000 words of Dong Dong Kwa Huo Zun.

In a word, before Su Mian saw Huo Zun, he always gave her the impression of a decent terrorist or hacker who can stand beating?

What the hell is this?! QAQ……

While in country D, Huo Zun escorted Su Mian for a while, but the experience was so breathtaking that Su Mian didn't pay much attention to Huo Zun.

Then, now.

"How many days have you not eaten?" Su Mian couldn't help asking.

There are three empty bowls in front of huoting. He is eating the fourth bowl of rice.

Arab tuhao and Brown were invited to another room by the black housekeeper for dinner, because Huo Zun claimed to have a long talk with Su. As a result, after the black housekeeper prepared the meal, the man who claimed to have something important to explain had been eating hard.

Su Mianmian has to wonder if he has come to eat on purpose

"Delicious! The chef's skill is absolutely first-class! There's no comparison. " Huo Zun said with emotion as he ate, "I'll eat two more bowls later."

“……” Two more bowls.

Ten minutes later, Huo Zun put down the empty bowl. He wiped his mouth and restored your appearance.

He smiled at Su Mian and said, "I'm sorry to have waited a long time. The mango pudding was delicious just now. Will you pack me two to go back for the night?"

“…… What did you come for first? " Su Mian asked weakly.

"I just came to have a look..." Huo Zun said, looking around, and asked in a very natural tone, "what about big brother? Not at home? "

Su Mian squints at him and says, "didn't you choose to come when uncle wasn't there?"

Huo Zun suddenly seemed to be a cat in the tail. He stood up and said, "no, no! How can I do this? I didn't do anything bad. Why am I afraid to see my eldest brother? "

Su Mian said, "you've done something bad!"