Huo Zun took a deep look at Su Mian, then sat down again. He touched his face and said, "it's not what you think."

Su Mian looks at him and waits for him to continue.

"I heard from brother Cheng that he lost ten years of memory..."

"But he's still your big brother." Said Su Mian.

"Ah, stop, it's not what you think now..." Huo Zun saw Su Mian's sad expression and knew that she had misunderstood her. He scratched his head and continued, "ten years ago, I accidentally damaged a limited version of my eldest brother's machine armour, so I was very worried. What should he do if he comes to me for accounting again? I paid a heavy price for it ten years ago. "

Ten years ago, Huo Zun was beaten by Huo ting. He dared not go out for half a month.

So although he was worried about huoting, he didn't dare to come back to have a look. This time, while huoting was not at home, he came to have a look. He wanted Su Mianmian to help him test it out and see if huoting remembered it

"It's you!" Hoting said coldly.

Su Mian looks back and sees that uncle doesn't know when he's back. He stands quietly at the door and looks at his expression. It's obvious that he listened to Huo Zun's words word for word.

"Big brother! When did you come back? " Huo Zun began to get rid of the relationship, and he said loudly, "I haven't seen you for so long. You are still so handsome and silly. If there is nothing wrong, I will go first..."

"Stop!" Huo Ting stretched out his hand to hook his neck and said coldly, "do you know how much time I spent trying to spell this machine armor? A whole month! "

"Big brother, I know it's wrong! But let me remind you that you beat me ten years ago. " So, you can't beat it repeatedly!

Huo Zun put on the most pitiful look, hoping to awaken Huo ting to his brotherhood.

Obviously, though, he thought more.

Huo Ting just wants to beat him. As he pulls Huo Zun to the front, he says to Su Mian, "Mian, you sit here first. I'll talk to Xiao Zun later."

"Sister in law! Help me! I don't want to communicate... "

After half a minute, the scream of Huo Zun came from afar. The black Butler asked thoughtfully, "madam, do you need to play some music?"

Su Mian looks at him and wonders how Huo Zun's popularity in the Huo family is so bad?

Even the black housekeeper, who has always been a gentleman to all people, has come to make a mild mockery of Otaru. It's really cruel!

In that case

"Yes! Let's play a light music. " Su said with a smile.

So, match it with some music! Let uncle beat the small bottle, more rhythm.

"Yes!" The black housekeeper replied.

Half an hour later, hoting came back.

In order to beat Huo Zun happily, he pulled up his sleeves. He took a sip of tea from the black tube family and said, "this music is very sentimental. I can't help beating him a few times."

"It's good that the host feels happy." Black housekeeper low-key way back.

Su Mian looks at the two and suddenly sympathizes with Otaru, OK?


Huo Zun, who was beaten by Huo Ting, is still lying on the ground with his face on the ground.

When Dongdong came home and passed the room, he didn't care much, and then heard a familiar plaintive voice.

He turned around, walked back, looked over

A little familiar.

Dongdong squats down and pokes the corpse like Huo Zun.

Huo Zun looked up and saw that it was winter. He said excitedly, "winter!"

Dongdong looked askew and asked, "who are you? It looks a little like my second uncle. "

"I am your second uncle! Good boy! Your father has lost his memory. Have you been affected? " Huo Zun asked sadly, "it's over! My clever and witty little nephew is going to become a little fool. How can he break it? "

"Er Shu, your face is like this! I believe that even your father can't recognize you... " Dongdong retorted.

Huo Zun immediately rang.

"Daddy beat it?" Dongdong reaches out his hand and pokes Huo Zun's black eyes, saying, "this color seems to have been painted."

"Ah! Pain! " Huo Zun quickly pulled away the winter and winter and said, "it's true, isn't it a good painting?"

He quickly rubbed his eyes, all of which would hurt his tears, OK?

It's a pity that Dongdong takes back his hand and asks, "uncle, why are you beaten by daddy? Did you do anything else to make him angry? "

"Please don't use the word 'you'?" Huo Zun reached out and rubbed Dong Dong's curly hair and said, "I haven't been beaten by your father. I'm fighting with him, but my father's martial arts are not as good as yours. However, it's not surprising that my father has been practicing Taiquan for more than 20 years. Such a pervert, you say, can a delicate and beautiful man like your uncle compare with him?" He said that he would cry for himself!Force index is not a level! How can we fight together?! It must have been a loss! QAQ!

Winter winter Oh, return, "it should be like this." Anyway, every time uncle Er is beaten, he will say so. Adults are such dishonest creatures. Dong Dong understands.

Huo Zun touches his nose and doesn't continue to talk about this topic with Dongdong. Dongdong's eyes have made him see the taste of contempt. He doesn't want to go on further.

He asked, "by the way, can you call a doctor for me? I seem to have twisted to my waist. "

Dongdong looked down upon Huo Zun completely.


After Huo Ting beat his younger brother, he asked the black housekeeper to call Xia Yi and let her come to have a look at Huo Zun. After all, he was a bit ruthless just now. If he really hit Huo Zun, I'm sorry for the dead madam Huo.

As soon as Xia received the call, he was silent for half a minute and said, "your family really treats me as a family doctor, doesn't it? Or free? "

The black housekeeper calmly replied, "the second young master was beaten miserably this time. If you want to see the gossip, you are welcome at any time."

Xia Yi: "..." Good! Even Gong Beicheng's love of gossip has been caught.

Gong Beicheng has been walking on Xia's feet. He can't help it. When doctor Xia wears a white coat, he is very ascetic. Every time he looks at it, he can't help turning into a wolf. He wants to stick it to her.

"Honey, what's he talking about?" He heard two words of gossip.

Xia glanced at him expressionless, then stretched out his hand to tear him from himself, kicked him by the way, and said, "wait for me, I will be here in half an hour."