The first thing Xia saw when he came in was a black man.

She was stunned, then heard Brown say warmly, "Hi! Hello, I'm brown black. This is my business card. Please contact me if you need it. "

Before Xia Yi could have a closer look, his business card was robbed by Gongbei City, which was one step away from her.

He picked it up and looked at it. It said photographer brown.

What the hell is this? It doesn't look like a good person.

Brown saw Gong Beicheng snatch Xia Yi's business card. He gave Xia Yi another card and said, "I have a lot more. Everyone has it. I don't need to rob it."

Xia Yi saw clearly this time, she put aside casually and asked, "where is Huo Zun?"

"Are you friends of Otaru?" Brown said.

"Who called me?" Huo Zun asked and walked out. He saw Gong Beicheng and said excitedly, "brother Cheng! it's been a long time! You're here, too! "

Gong Beicheng looked at him and asked blankly, "who are you?"

Huo Zun said painfully, "brother Cheng! it's me! Otaru! Are you as forgetful as my eldest brother? "

Hearing this, Gong Beicheng stared at his colorful face and said, "your brother is so heavy this time! It's better than it was ten years ago. "

He remembered that ten years ago, it seemed that Huo Ting had beaten his younger brother for more than half a month in the family for something. He didn't even take the final exam.

No way, I really can't see people

Huo Zun touched the corner of his eyes and said, "that's what happened. You said that I was beaten once ten years ago, even ten years later..." With that, he couldn't even speak out. He was looking for a corner to squat down and lick the wound.

Gong Beicheng sips his lips and looks at Huo Zun's sad feeling. He really wants to find a place to laugh.

Isn't it too bad?

As soon as Xia looked at Gongbei City, he knew that his gossip factor had been satisfied, and said, "let me help you to have a look."

"Who are you?" Huo Zun seldom returns to China in recent years, so he is the first time to see Xia Yi.

"Call sister-in-law." Gong Beicheng said, "my wife."

Hearing this, Huo Zun immediately opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, "I never expected that, brother Cheng, you should Like men, but in this case, why don't you like my big brother? Anyway, you've known each other for so many years Or, in fact, you... " Huo Zun accidentally has a big brain hole.

Hearing this, Gong Beicheng understood why huoting wanted to beat his younger brother so hard. He really didn't want to.

"My wife is a woman." Gong Beicheng said coldly, "if you say more, I will beat you."

Huo Zun listened to Gong Beicheng's words, and immediately made a gesture of silence.

Xia Yiwei smiled and said, "please come with me."

Huo Zun saw the good-looking doctor Xia, and thought that although she could not see a woman's place on the outside and even her voice was neutral, she spoke in a gentle way.

Let Huo Zun, who has been tortured since he came back, feel the warmth. He was moved and said, "OK."

However, soon, he knew that his cognition was wrong.

What medicine did Dr. Xia put? How does it hurt more after application than before?

"Sister in law, is this really useful?" Huo Zun asked weakly.

"You have to trust a professional doctor. Come on, if you're afraid, close your eyes." Xia Yixiao is still very gentle.

Huo Zun closed his eyes, and then, a second later, there came his scream!