Maybe it's the place where Huo Zun didn't start. This time Huo Ting just glanced at him and let him take good care of himself and then left.

Su Mian sees him coming back and asks, "how is xiaozun?"

"Not dead." After Huo Ting finished, he said to Su Mian, "come here."

Su Mian didn't know why he came towards him, but when he was still a step away from uncle, he said, "stop! Just stand over there. "

Huo Ting said this, then looked up at Su Mian.

Su Mian's face is confused. What's the matter?

"Uncle?" "What can I do for you?" she asked

Huo Ting didn't speak, but he didn't stare at Su Mian for a long time. About a minute later, he said, "when I just talked to Otaru, suddenly some fragments flashed in my mind, and I seemed to think of something..."

"Really?" Su mianmianmian said excitedly, "that is really good! So what do you think of? Do you think about us? "

This is really good news. Su Mian is very excited.

Huoting saw Su Mian's expectant eyes, sighed, shook his head and said, "No."

The smile on Su Mian's face was a little unsustainable. She was stupefied, a little reluctant to smile and said, "it doesn't matter. You think of something slowly now. Maybe you can think of our things tomorrow. It's all..." There is hope.

Her eyes were a little hot with this thought.

It's better than no hope before. Now it's going to develop in a better direction.

Huo Ting didn't want to see Su Mian's appearance. He reached out and pulled her over, rubbed her face, and said, "I think we should do more things we used to do, because the clip I just remembered is probably something that happened before."

Su mianmianmian looked up at huoting and said, "it makes sense!" Repeat what you have done before, maybe you can stimulate uncle to restore his memory!

"Well, let's do it now." Huo Ting bent over and picked up Su Mian and said, "first tell me, which pose was the most commonly used by us?"

Su Mian is not good at all?!

Why is the topic turning this way? Can you still be a friendly friend?!

"Uncle, what seems to be wrong? Aren't we talking about your memory restoration? It's all over here. " Su Mianmian holds Huo Ting's hand to untie her button and says, "let's get back to the point quickly!"

Huo Ting smiled in a low voice. He kissed the soft corners of Su's mouth and said, "I think this matter is very important! Love is done, as long as we try more, I may be able to remember

Su Mian put on a clear do not believe, she said, "uncle, do you think I can believe it?"

It's clear that uncle wants to What do you want Excuse on purpose?!

It must be!

"Mianmian, don't you think you talk too much?" When huoting saw this moving mouth, he felt the urge to seal it.

Su Mian immediately reached out to cover the corner of her mouth and looked at him with wide eyes.

Huo Ting thought that she was so cute.

"You're right. I won't cheat you If you are shy, close your eyes and follow your body's feelings Give it to me... "
