Finally, Su Mian was asked by Huo Ting many answers that made people blush and heartbeat.

Of course, hoting didn't remember anything.

But he said, maybe they should try it several times more, maybe they will remember it one time.

Su Mian thought that he was insane! Is that a good thing to say?

Is she so naive?

Can't even five-year-old believe it, OK?

However, Su Mian is always soft hearted, and finally becomes the rolling sheet of their love.

Another half month passed. In this half month, Huo Zun was afraid to go out because of his face injury. He had been at home to recuperate his injuries. Then he made a few robots for Dongdong by the way. Naturally, Dongdong was very happy. He liked such high-tech gadgets.

In order to please Su Mian, Huo Zun also specially made a robot to stir egg white. In this way, Su Mian has a robot helper when making cakes.

And his two friends also mingled in the Huo family. Anyway, the house of the Huo family is large, which is not bad for the two rooms.

make complaints about nouveau riche in Arabia when they send money to a black house.

"But I don't have Renminbi. I only have dirhams." Tuhao is sad.

The black housekeeper heard that he even kindly took the Arab local tyrants to exchange hundreds of thousands of RMB. Then when the local tyrants made money again, the maids were all warmly welcomed. Suddenly, his popularity in the Huo family left the Black Brown Street.

Brown was greatly stimulated. Before Ming Dynasty, the sister of the maid boasted that his teeth were white. Didn't they agree to be each other's angels? How can I just smile at the local tyrant now?

As expected, women are fickle creatures?!

So brown often said to people, "you can't discriminate against black people, you can't discriminate against me because of color!"! How can we live in the same global village? " A thousand words are omitted below

In fact, we would like to say that we like local tyrants because they like to pay, OK? We like grandpa Mao, OK? It has nothing to do with skin color, OK?


After two days is the Chinese Spring Festival, this time, because there are many guests at home, and Huo Zun, who hasn't returned home for many years, has also returned. The Huo family has not been so busy for a long time.

On the 30th of the lunar new year, Su Mian decided to make dumplings by herself. Everyone expressed great appreciation for her decision.

"BAABAA, can I also pack together?" Dongdong looks forward to Su Mian and says, "I want to help you! I had dumplings in kindergarten. I know what they look like. "

It seems that children have a kind of inexplicable good feeling for the white dough. Dongdong just saw it and wanted to touch it. Then, of course, Su Mian stopped it.

After hearing Dongdong's words, she asked, "haven't you packed it?"

In fact, she hasn't made dumplings for a long time. The last time was many years ago.

"No! We didn't make dumplings before the Spring Festival. " Winter said.

Su Mian hears the words, and his heart is clear.

In the past, the Huo family preferred Western food.

"Let's pack this time." Su Mianmian said, "but you have to wash your hands first. I'll check later."

"No problem!" Happy answer in winter.