It's so miserable to cry in winter!

He has never cried so sad before. Every time he cried, Huo Ting beat his ass. he howled a lot. His voice was loud but his tears were few. But this time, he really cried very sad.

Su Mian was completely frightened. Huo ting and they heard the voice coming out.

"What's the matter?" Huo Ting asked with a frown.

Su Mian shook her head, saying she didn't know.

Huo Ting went over, squatted down, about the same height as Dongdong. He reached out and rubbed Dongdong's head. He asked, "the boy of Huo's family doesn't shed tears. Tell me, what are you crying for?"

Su Mianmian can't help turning a white eye when he hears this. It's time. What else does uncle say to shed blood without tears?

Dongdong is only five years old?! Five years old, okay?!

"Uncle..." When Su Mian was just going to let him stand, he saw Dongdong raise his head, he looked at huoting with red eyes, and said in a voice like the end of the world, "my dumplings are broken..."

Huo Ting: "..." Although he completely listened to Dongdong's words, but did not understand how to break?

He looked up at Su Mian, who showed his original expression.

Su Mian replied, "just in winter and winter, he made dumplings with me. He made a very successful one. It was the first dumpling he made." Maybe because of this, it means a lot?

After hearing this, Huo Ting could not understand the point of crying in winter.

He brooded for a moment and asked, "are you crying because of this?"

Huo Zun listened and hurriedly came over and said, "elder brother, children's hearts are very sensitive. Don't look down on the first time. Think that year, when I first made a robot and was told a pile of garbage by you, I was also sad for half a year, OK?"

Huo Ting: "..."

What to do? I really want to beat my brother again?

Su Mian reached out and patted Dong Dong's back. She said softly, "don't be sad, Dong Dong. If the dumplings are broken, shall we make a new one together?"

Dongdong buries his head in Su Mian's arms. He doesn't speak.

In fact, it's not dumplings that make him cry at all, but he can't say it. He just uses dumplings as an excuse.

It's sad to think that Huo Ting is not his own father

"I don't want to pack. Can I go to sleep?" Winter said stuffy.

Su Mian saw him with a withered look. The little curly hair, which was full of spirit, was now in a state of depression.

"Sure, I'll take you to bed?"

Dongdong waved and said, "no, you don't need to come here. I want to be alone." Then he lowered his head and left alone.

Huo Ting looked at this scene and was speechless.

He said, "it won't be like this before winter and winter. Did you teach it?" You mean Huo Zun.

Huo Zun is in Huo's home to recuperate. During this period, he has the most contact with Dongdong.

After hearing this, Huo Zun immediately took a few steps away from huoting, and he called out innocently, "elder brother, can't you just find another reason to beat me?! It has nothing to do with me! "

Su Mian couldn't hear any more. She reached out and pushed both of them out of the kitchen, saying, "if you want to fight, please stay away from me!"

Huo's man is really naive?!