Dongdong didn't come out until he had dinner. When I saw him again, there seemed to be nothing wrong, except the red eyes.

"Dongdong, there are three dumplings with coins in them. If you can eat coins, you can make a wish." Su Mianmian hands him a bowl full of dumplings. She smiles at him friendly and signals that he can finish all the dumplings.

But as soon as Su Mian finished speaking, he heard a cry from brown across the street.

He spits out a coin, and he says, "it's dangerous. I almost ate it. Why is it only mine that has coins, and you have no dumplings? Is it because I'm black? How can you discriminate against black people? " A thousand words are omitted below.

People around: "..."

The black housekeeper was so conscientious that he went up to black brown and explained to him that it was a kind of luck to eat coins in dumplings.

When brown understood, he said, "it's not discrimination, so my new year's wish is that Ellie can promise me a date." Ellie is his latest favorite actress. Just listen to this wish.

"Winter and winter, eat fast." Su Mian said again.

In fact, she has secretly put a coin dumpling in the bowl of winter and winter.

Dongdong nodded and began to eat dumplings.

At this time, I heard Huo Zun on the other side shouting excitedly, "I've got the coin!"

Trough! What is this! Only three of the dumplings have been two two goods to eat!

Huo Zun thanked Su Mian excitedly, and then made a sincere wish. He looked at Huo Ting affectionately and said, "I hope in the new year, brother will not beat me again."

“……” Huo Ting looked at him speechless, then said coldly, "this wish will not come true."

Huo Zun QAQ

After a few minutes, Dongdong gave a sound and then spit out a coin.

Su Mian said happily, "in winter, you are so lucky. It seems that you will have good luck in the New Year! Come, make a wish quickly! "

Dong Dong happily holds the coin. He closes his eyes and says in silence, hoping that Huo Ting will become my biological father.

Su Mian saw that Dongdong didn't say his wish like Huo Zun and brown, and asked curiously, "Dongdong, what wish did you make?"

Dongdong looks up at huoting and asks, "Baa Baa, will this wish come true if it is promised?"

Su Mian nodded at the way he valued it.

Hearing the words, Dongdong is happy.

Huo Ting looked at him and couldn't help but say, "the wish must be completed by himself. There is no free lunch in the world."

The Huo family already has the second product Huo Zun. He doesn't want his son to become the second product.

After hearing Huo Ting's words, Dongdong became depressed again.

Su Mian couldn't help saying, "uncle, can you say less? It's hard to celebrate the Spring Festival today... " Dongdong doesn't know what's going on today. His mood is not high all the time. I'm glad to see him. But when Uncle finished speaking, he was not happy again.


"Hey, have fun! I've ordered fireworks. Let's go and put them together after dinner! " Huo Zun said happily, "Hi everyone!"

"Yes! Your suggestion is really very good! " Said Su Mian.

Huo Ting, the head of the family, also acquiesced. Did he agree with Huo Zun's suggestion?

Only in winter with head down, I don't know what I'm thinking.


After dinner, Huo Zun and his two friends go to prepare the fireworks. Su Mian and huoting rest in the room.

Dongdong wrote a letter in his room. After thinking about it, he decided to run away from home and find a place without huoting to calm down.

Because if it goes on like this, he can't help telling the truth to Huo Ting, but he can't tell the truth. In case he says it, he is afraid Hoting doesn't really like himself.

So, he needs to calm down.

He found a jubilant backpack, stuffed it with a set of pajamas, then put the tablet in, and then put a handful of cash, and the bag was full.

It's a good thing that the Arab tuhao uncle likes to pay, or there is no cash in winter and winter.

Because jottim gave him all cards, but it's always a bit troublesome for children to use cards for consumption, but in case of emergency, he also brought the cards with him.

Dongdong finally came to the pet room and said goodbye to his two pets.

The more the kitten is raised, the less it looks like a cat. Instead, it looks like a tiger. It has been locked in a larger cage. However, although it is big, it is raised in winter. When it sees winter, it likes to be coquettish like a child. It opens its stomach and lies on the ground, as if waiting for winter touch.

Dongdong reached out to touch it and said, "kitten, you are too big. I can't take you with me. You should be obedient at home! I'm leaving this time. I don't know when I'll be back. "Sheep small fire still adopts the mode of stocking. When it sees that winter has come, it has come to bite winter's trouser legs for a long time. It bleats.

Dongdong looked down at Xiaohuo, sighed and said, "girl! It's said that I'll find you a boyfriend, but I haven't found it for you for so long, but don't worry, your grandpa Huo Ting has promised me to find you a strong ram, so I don't think I can take you away... "

The little fire tilted its head and bleated.

Dongdong said sadly, "I hope I can see my little granddaughter when I come back next time."

Xiaohuo: "baa......"

After Dong Dong finished, he stood up and said, "OK, I have to go. Goodbye!"

Xiaohuo watched that Dongdong didn't play with it for as long as he used to, and couldn't help biting his trouser legs and not letting him go. Dongdong pulled it apart with tears in his eyes, and then he didn't run back.



The two animals cried in bewilderment.

What's the matter with you today? How can they not give them the hug of love and the touch of love?

After saying goodbye to his beloved pet, Dongdong leaves the door of Huo's house while everyone is not paying attention. He feels that he is a lonely night walker at the moment.

He looked back at the villa and said in a low voice, "Huo Ting, goodbye! BAABAA, goodbye! When we meet again, maybe I am different already! "

With that, he turned to walk out of the door, but not far away, he met a car.

Raise your hands to block the car in winter.

The driver in the car saw winter and winter. He asked, "Lei Shao, there is a little child in front."

Leiaotian looked out and saw it was winter. He said, "stop the car!"

"OK." The driver should say.