Dongdong said with tears and snivels, "Huo Ting, I apologize. You can't spank me any more." In fact, he is very guilty, which is why he yells so loudly.

"You have a reason! How old are you?! Will run away from home, dare to threaten their parents?! It's amazing! Mianmian, you see, your son's learning is broken right away. Maybe he would dare to do it after skipping classes, killing people and setting fire! I have to teach him a lesson this time! Necessary! " Huo Ting said as he picked up Dong Dong, he was about to wave his palm to his ass.

Dongdong covers his ass and shouts, "let go of me! You are not my father, you have no blood relationship with me! You can't spank me any more! "

"Son of a bitch! Who says we are not related by blood? "

Dongdong took a sniff and said, "you are not my father, how can you still have blood relationship?"

Huo Ting looked at Dong Dong's tears and snot, and suddenly felt that he couldn't get off his hands. He didn't feel hurt, but he thought it was too dirty.

He put him down and said, "your biological father is my twin brother, so physiologically, we are also related."

Dongdong Yi made a sound, then he hugged Huo Ting hard, and put tears and snivels on his body. He cried loudly, "Wow! Hoting, you are my daddy! I admit you! "

"Fool, you are my son!" Huo Ting said coldly, "go back and settle accounts with you!"

Dongdong began to say, "I'm a little hungry. Can I have strawberry cake back?"

“……” Huo Ting is silent.

Seeing that Huo Ting didn't speak, Dongdong said again, "there are still two uncles who say they set off fireworks. I don't know if they still have them back If not, hoting, can you buy me some more? I haven't let off the fireworks yet. "

Huo Ting: "..."

Leiaotian saw all the excitement and said, "I've got the car ready for you." He almost didn't rush people directly.

Huoting also thinks it's better to teach his son to go home and continue. He puts Dongdong aside and looks for Su Mian everywhere. He finds that Su Mian is still under the table.

He stooped and said, "Mianmian, I'm home."

Su Mian's head began to faint just when she wanted to climb out, so she sat for a while. She heard Huo Ting calling for her and said, "I'll come out right away."

When she finished speaking, she crawled out of it. When she stood up, suddenly it was dark in front of her eyes, and the whole person fell back without warning.

Fortunately, Huo Ting has always been prepared. He reaches for Su Mian, and Su Mian falls in his arm.

Dongdong is so scared that she covers her mouth and says, "Baa Baa! Baa Baa how did you faint? "

Huo Ting picked up Su Mian and said, "shut up! Keep up. "

Dong Dong was stunned, and immediately followed Huo Ting's footsteps.

And leiaotian's car had been waiting outside for a long time. After getting on the bus, Huo Ting thought about it and said, "go to the first hospital of the city." Finish saying, he also sent a message to Gong Beicheng.

After sitting in the car, Dong Dong wipes tears on one side.

After seeing it, Huo Ting felt upset and said, "don't cry! The Huo men don't shed tears! What do you look like now? "

Dongdong wiped his face and said sadly, "I, I am so worried about baa, what can't happen to her?"

After all, Dongdong is scared by Su Mian's sudden fainting!