Su Mian faints without warning, and huoting is not in the mood to comfort Dongdong at the moment.

He looks down at Su Mian. Su Mian doesn't know if it's really hard. Even if she faints, her eyebrows are frowning all the time.

Huo Ting held her hand. She felt that it was hotter than before. She felt her forehead. It seemed a little hotter, but it couldn't reach the level of fever.

Mianmian, you must be safe

The car only heard the voice of sobbing in winter. Fortunately, the car soon arrived at the first hospital of the city.

As Huo Ting called the doctor in advance, soon there was a doctor waiting. Seeing Huo Ting coming down with Su in his arms, they immediately came up and said, "Mr. Huo, please put your wife on the ambulance." He's referring to the side cart.

Hoting looked and said, "I'll take her in my arms."

Dongdong also quickly followed huoting.

The doctor took Su Mian's temperature first, and found that it was 37 degrees and 8 degrees. This kind of temperature can't be called fever, but the normal temperature is a little higher. They were called by the Dean on the 30th of the lunar new year. They thought it was a serious disease, but they just fainted.

Do you need to see if you faint? QAQ……

They did a preliminary inspection and found nothing wrong.

Some doctors are speechless. Of course, they dare not express anything on their faces.

"What's going on with Mianmian?" Asked hoting.

"Madam Zun may have hypoglycemia..." Huo Ting's eyes were sharp, and the doctor quickly said, "of course, we need to do a blood test first and then judge."

Huo Ting nodded.

When the doctor helped Su Mian draw blood, Su Mian slightly frowned and woke up.

Whoever wakes up to see this will be shocked. Su Mian is no exception.

She was a little stunned, then the doctor's hand shook, and some blood oozed out.

Su frowned in pain. Huo Ting said displeased, "be careful."

"Yes, yes." Doctor Alexander.

After the doctor got the blood, he took the test and immediately started to leave.

Su Mian looked around and asked, "uncle, how am I here?"

"You fainted." "How do you feel now?" said hoting

Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "I feel hungry..."

At this time, Dong Dong, who had been squatting on one side, also said, "I'm hungry..."

He just cried for a long time and no one answered him.

Su Mian hears the words, looked at Dongdong and said in surprise, "Why are you still crying?"

In my memory, it seems that I have stopped Dongdong?

"I'm worried about you..." Winter wiped tears.

Su Mian looked up at huoting and said, "uncle, do you care? How can children cry all the time

Hearing this, Huo Ting said, "don't cry, and then deduct the pocket money."

Dongdong: QAQ

Su Mianmian: "..."

At this time, the doctor looked up weakly and said, "well, sorry to interrupt."

We turned our eyes and found that the head of the bed was full of doctors.

Su Mian is a little embarrassed and shrinks to Huo Ting's arms. Huo Ting asks without expression, "did you find out the reason?"

The doctor didn't dare to see Huo Ting either. He said, "Madam has no problem. She fainted suddenly because of the early pregnancy. She can't be too tired. Just pay attention to rest..."
